Free Mandala Print Outs?

I thought I remembered once seeing a link to some free mandala print outs, does anyone have a link for this?

Here are mine:
Here are a few :slight_smile:

Susan Khan

I’m looking for the type where you flash a colored mandala to your child and then the child marks the colors on a black and white version by memory. Have any of those?

Wow look at all those mandala links! I will check out every single one but I think this may be the link you were after
If anyone knows of any more I also would love to get my hands on them :slight_smile: or if anyone has made some they could share…

Although not free, you can also purchase notebooks for ease and saving ink costs. I think they sell them at other shops online too, it looks like this one is based out of Australia. They are also included as a download with a monthly subscription to, from what I can tell on their website anyway. They used to sell them separate from their monthly subscription, but unless I’m mistaken they don’t do that anymore.


Also, this has been posted elsewhere on the forum, but it was very helpful to show this clip to my daughter before introducing Mandala. Best of luck!~


Actually those books work out to be pretty good value, 60 colored mandalas and a book of black and white one too for $20 is probably close to my printing costs… This is the first site I have seen that sells then both together for the same price and actually tells you how many you get! Thanks teachingmytoddlers.
I would have thought free ones would be easy to find though, I guess they arent popular enough yet!

Here’s a few 2 and 3 colour mandala patterns I made myself. I’ve saved four pictures per page to save using too much ink. Hope this helps.

Oh michjas you are wonderful :slight_smile: karma to you for all your hard work :slight_smile: off to the shops for some more colored ink!
Would you mind telling me how you made them? What program? I haven’t tried to make this type yet as my brain is wondering how… I could probably have a go and figure it out but I love short cuts :slight_smile:

I am too much excited that really Mandela does .I had no idea before,but very much interested to learn.
thank you all to share such a great link. :slight_smile:

I used which is the free equivalent program to MS Office but you can do the same in Word.

When you open up a new document go to View - Toolbars - Click on Drawing - and on the bottom of the screen a drawing toolbar should appear. Run your mouse over the little icons and you’ll see an icon for basic shapes, basic arrows, stars, callouts etc. Select which shape you want to draw and you can click and drag to adjust the size of your shape.

I think you then right click on the shape once it’s on the page, a menu will pop up and then select area (it’s a picture of a jug with paint pouring out) and select what colour you want the shape to be and then you’re done. You can overlap several shapes to create your own mandala.

Once you’ve finished your shape, go to Insert - Page Break - and you can copy and paste the image to the next page. You will need to group the individual shapes (select all the shapes you have drawn - right click on mouse - select Group - Group)

To create the black and white version, just don’t fill the shape or have a white shape with a black outline. (right click on shape, select line - you’ll see a picture of a pen - and click on black). You may have to ungroup the shape (right click - select Group - Ungroup)

It’s very easy to do.

The only thing I want to know about mandalas is I remember reading somewhere that the Schicida methods exposes the students to all the different mandala patterns that are available so that kids learn all the patterns of nature. Is this necessary for mandala practice or can you make up any shape at all. I was thinking you could also do a mandala practice with flags of the world.

Hope this helps.

OH wonderful :slight_smile: thanks I was close with my ideas on how but I think you saved me some time :slight_smile:
Now I havnt read that comment on shapes in nature but I think these type of mandalas are a bit too strait to reflect nature closely. With its curves and spirals…but hey I dont know. From my reading I think the colours are more important. eventually you need to get to all the colours in the rainbow. but Primary is the start because most people begin their visual imaging by “imagining” (OK retina seeing) the colours in reverse of the colour wheel. The images need to get more complex as the kids start to get them right to encourage more complex mental pictures. I intend to do a mix of mandalas and other pictures (I saw a hot air ballon being used somewhere…) I think flags would be great, although if your kids knows their flags they may intuit/rightbrain the corect colours from memory. I have made some from a children colouring in APP. (wonderkids-basics are free) but i wondered if because they were recognisable the left brain would interfeer and say “this is a bird” but I figure eventually we want them to be able to capture an image of something so I may as well start here. I want the mandalas as insurance :slight_smile:

update! We have been using the mandalas every day, often twice or thrice a day lol ( they dont take long!) and I have already seen a noticable improvement in all three kids! 4,6,8 the biggest improvement is in my 6 year old. to start she got 2 out of three colours correct, now she gets all 4 right in any shape with a one secong showing. Now occasionally she says I forget which one is blue mummy, and I say close your eyes and see it. So she does and she gets it right every time! Very cool. Now we need harder ones :slight_smile:

Oh I forgot to add has some free mandala to print out too, some of them can be downloaded and the colours changed so you get heaps! It also has a bit of info about the process. Oh and answered the question about using recognizable shapes…all good news! We will be adding recognizable shapes ( ducks, crocodiles…) to out practice. I will also let my girls try to draw the mandala and colout it from the flash. Obviously more challenging but I am not sure I can keep up with them in making harder mandalas other wise!

why do you need to print the colored one out ?? cannot you show it quickly on the computer screen or ipad if you got one than the kids will work with the black and white and color it ??

Bella absolutely you could show it from the computer. You would need to isolate just one on the screen. Often they are in groups of two or four. It wouldn’t work for us every time as I have three children at three different levels, so it’s just as easy for me to print and file for later. Plus someone is usually n the computer playing soft mozart! Oh and my colour ink usually goes off before we finish it anyway! Lol using the iPad for the harder ones may work well…I could get my son to colour them in then get my daughters using the manadala :slight_smile: I shall try it today!

after marking the colors , do you encourage your kidsto color it in , or this has nothing to do with the purpose of the lesson ??? in our french school the kids at maternelle level spend hours colouring manadalas but of course they don’t do the right training exercise we are talking about here .

My kids insist on coloring them all in! I figure it is good finger strength training for them so I encourage it! Funny though if they have a bad day/ score they don’t want to colour it in :laugh: They only want to colour the ones they get right :slight_smile:
Obviously the coloring has nothing to do with the training :slight_smile:

here’s a link to more free mandala print outs…

I’ll make more in the next blogpost… :slight_smile:


Thanks baz. I like them, some are a little more tricky, just what we need :slight_smile: thanks.
I shall read through your posts later 8)