Just came across this great website for flashcards covering general topics such as colours, days of the week, meeting and greeting etc and includes pronuncation and pictures too. Not sure if you are all aware of this site, just thought i’d like to share it with you.
Have you tried it? Sometimes it sells as a nice place but ask for a lot of information before giving you free stuff.
It looks good.
Please tell us if you received your free stuff without too much work.
Thank you so much for the link. It looks like a really good resource. I’m going to try it with my dd and I’ll let you know how she does. It may be good for adults. I’m not too sure about kids, but we’ll give it a try.
I did the download of french and follow the first 2 lessons. It is a very good refresh. When finishing french i will give a try to another language. It is very good.
Thanks for sharing the site, nic31600 - karma to you for sharing a great resource.
You’re right, it does look quite interesting, and I think it’s a platform even I can learn from. :yes: Although I think the target may be for a more mature audience, I’m interested to find out how well this works if you try it out with your kids.
in 70 languages with sound
u can also use it online but then print is smaller
this is why it is better to download the free software
hope this helps
I do not know if you had the chance to watch the program from the BBC: Early Adavantage. It consist of 3 DVD that comes with 5 languages: english, spanish, french, italian and german. The video is for toddlers, not babies and somewhat like a cartoon wher kids learn basic words.
My grandson is 3.5 years and he likes it. Especially when we switch languages.
Hope this is usefull