Free - Funnix Beginning Math

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In Jan of this year they offered their English program for free. I use it regularly. It is a great product and can’t beat the price - FREE.

Now they are giving away their Math program. I haven’t downloaded it yet, wanted to share it with you guys before downloading it. I am sure it will as great as their English program.



Karma to you :biggrin:
I am having trouble downloading the program >:(
I tried everything they listed on their troubleshoot site.
So I had to send an email to their technical support.

Hi, Heath!

Thanks for sharing. Karma to you.


Thank you!

Thanks for sharing. :biggrin:

I am having trouble too :frowning:

I think you can dowload the program only to your C drive and it will need alteast 2 GM. I have 1.7 GB in my C drive and it was not letting me download. I wrote to the team at Funnix and they said to try to increase the memory.
Will try to free up some memory and will let you know.

Thank-you for the heads up! I signed up and I’m going to try and download it tomorrow.

I had a terrible time downloading the Funnix reading program. I finally tried the Orbit Downloader. It made downloading any large file very fast and simple - wish I’d tried it years ago!

Best of all - Orbit Downloader is free!

anyone managed to install the math program?

I am having problems as well…but I dont think it’s caused by memory size since I have more than 500GB in my C drive…
Just cant get it to install…


Ive tried the click here to install and all I keep getting is “internet explorer cannot display webpage” - any suggestions or is there something wrong with the web page??

When I was having trouble downloading the reading program, their technical support said that the site was having a lot of problems due to the high volume oh traffic. But again, once I downloaded Orbit downloaded, I didn’t have problems with anything.

Thanks for the link!

The download seems to work again

For those of you who used “Orbit Downloader”, were you able to install it in any other drive other than C? or does it have to be installed only in C?

I was having trouble downloading myself. But I finally got all the lessons downloaded.
I did not use orbit downloader.
I had to copy and paste each download link into the web browser because everytime I tried to just click the link the webpage would not open. When I did copy and paste it did not open a new webpage it only opened up an option tp download. For about three days I was unable to download the funnix lessons 1-50. The dialouge box kept telling me to pick a place to save and it did not allow the download no matter where I tried to save it.
I did a quick google search and followed the funnix’s troubleshooting directions.
From what other people posted I saw that it took someone 28 attempts to get the download to go through. So I kept trying. I kept turning off my firewalls and security settings. I kept searching for all funnix files on my computer and deleting them so I could start fresh with each download attempt. On the second day of trying I tried downloading all the other links they provided me and it worked. I still could not download the 1-50 lessons. So I emailed funnix support. They contacted me rather quickly but just told me to keep trying and that I would get it. So I asked them if I needed to keep turning off my security settings and deleting the funnix files. They told me I did not. I was a little confused because I was doing those two things per the funnix troubleshooting instructions. I did finally get the funnix 1-50 lessons to download and install. I got the downloads during the night so I am assuming that there was less traffic on their website at that time. Good Luck and be patient keep trying.

Finally, I was able to download and install the Math program to my D drive. Orbit downloader worked very well and made my job easier. Thank You Kmum.

I love the program already

How do you like it?

I didn’t love the funnix reading program, but thought I might try this too since it’s free.

I downloaded it but my 3 years old son do not really like it.
Anyway, thanks for sharing.