Free downloadable potty training resources

I found a site that has free charts, stickers, certificates, videos, and tips. You can print out the stuff right from your computer. They even have characters like Dora, Pooh, Cars, and Princesses if your kid is into that.

I love this forum! Just when I was about to give up all hope on early potty learning with my dd, you post this website. Thank you very much, I feel less alone in my struggles.

yeah thanks so much… i just started potty training for my boy at 19months now, sometimes he does remember goin to potty when he has the urge but always… most of the time he forgot, and bcos he is not talking yet so its rather hard to communicate.
but i like the picture im just going download them n keep it!!

thanks again

Im with you Khatty - I know how lonely this one feels - and thank you ngnpopo - karma to you - I spent ages trying to find a website like this one and couldnt - am very grateful!!

I’ve never used anything so complicated, it’s a very natural process! My babies were all out of diapers by 1 yo or so. Just change them often, since they’re very young, hold them over the toilet (or sink, or bowl, or potty, anything will do) & make a hissing sound (or whatever sound they make in your country for going pee) or grunting (or whatever for #2) & very soon they get the point & you start gettign your presents in the potty & not in the diaper.
actually except for the night & outings, using cloth diapers teaches them A LOT faster (helps mom to be more disciplined as well lol !)
Good luck, everyone!