Free digital subscription to Homeschool Enrichment magazine

I believe you get 6 digital copies. I haven’t checked it out, but I figure it may help some of you out there.

Hello Nhockaday,

I don´t why but appeared this message to me.
Forbidden You don’t have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


It works for me. Anyone else have a problem?

Works for me also, maybe you can try to clear your cookies before you try again??

I got the same Forbidden error message…

i deleted my cookies but still… Forbidden error message appears…

Are you guys in the US? Maybe it’s limited to people in the US?

I’m in Abu Dhabi… you might be correct… or our internet giants here is blocking it… geees!

Sorry :frowning: You would think since it was digital, everyone could get it.

It worked for me too. I’m in the States. Sorry guys…Thank you Nikki (K2U)

Works for me in Canada :slight_smile:

In my very brief browsing I think it may be something for me to keep bookmarked for later. We’re going to a homeschooling conference at the end of the month…if I’m not completely overwhelmed after that I may just order it!

It all worked for me & I am in Australia.


I’m from India…and it worked well here…

At first I was very excited to sign up, but I quickly previewed an article in the Early Learning section of the site and the author of the article I read completely DISCOURAGED early academic learning like early reading.

The author said preschoolers don’t really need any sort of preschool, they need to be with mom and dad, learning their place in their family, learning chores, helping out, having fun, etc.

That’s all well and good and I agree! I’ve got our little guy throwing his dirty clothes into his hamper already and he loves watching papa work with his tools :slight_smile:

But I thought this forum was really pro-early reading and math, as well as other early enrichment concepts for its obvious benefits - kids just love it too.

Anyway, I decided not to sign up for the 6 free newsletters.