free curriculum

got this from a friend . not sure if it is the same as the well known sonlight curriculum . they are giving away everything for free . don’t know even how good they are . anybody familiar with them ??

That’s great. Each year’s curriculum is worth hundreds of dollars, so the entire curriculum is worth many thousands of dollars. And, technically, you wouldnt need any other curriculum.

I love their curricula. Even the public schools around here use them. I will look into the free stuff. Thanks!

According to the site they say if you send them a jump drive they will send you the curricula loaded on it in PDF format for FREE. Is anyone else sending them one? I am ASAP.

has anyone sent in a drive yet? I thought they were putting them avialable on their site?

i live in gambia but i got a friend in the states who id doing this for me .viv

Where do you access it off their website?
By the way this isn’t the Sonlight your thinking of. This is a different company.

I tried to access it through the website but there is nothing posted yet. I tried to call but no answer. You just have to send them a jump or flash drive to their mailing address with return postage paid, then they will download what they have completed in PDF form onto the jump drive. They do not have it all completed yet I don’t think.