Free children's songs in multiple languages has legal free downloads. They have children’s music. It is not easy to find you have to search for it. I have downloaded English, French, & Chinese. It is a fun way to teach a child a foreign language. Hope you enjoy!

PS : It would be nice if someone could translate the Chinese songs for me because I have no clue. Maybe we could set up a thread pointing to songs with translation. :slight_smile: Would be nice to see the written Chinese to go with song too in little reader. If alot of people are interested in Chinese maybe this would be good project.

This is cute. Old McDonald in Chinese.

This is one Chinese CD

It’s too bad this site doesn’t allow download in Singapore. :frowning: Otherwise I would love to translate the songs for you.

They are from Orange Pie: Chinese and Foreign Childrens Songs by Chengdu Childrens Palace Choir. I would love to have song translated : Everyone calls me Donald duck. Sounds like Old McDonald if you know it.

Strawberry Pie: Chinese and Foreign Childrens Song by China National Radio Childrens Choir

The clapping song of seasons also sounds like a nice one.

Collection Of Childrens Song: Mother Bird by Xuhui Childrens Palace Art Group: The song of counting numbers

These would be my three first choices not knowing chinese but maybe you can suggest better.

I can tell you if your suggestion is song that we can download :slight_smile:

I couldn’t sign up in that web site, they said not avaliable in my country. But you can find some interesting kid song from youtube as well.

My baby love these two: (ABC song) (Japanese ABC sweet song)