Free Books for children Program in USA ""Reading is Fundamental"

I really hope this info will help parents at this forum :slight_smile:
This thursday I took my DD to the library,( we go there 2-3 times a week) and they told me about the program “reading is fundamental” at our branch.
We got a library card for my daughter, and stepped by a room where they have this Program.
Basically you getting a free book once you sign up, and then every 3rd visit to the library on Thursday (that is the day for our branch)

  • on the week of your child’s birthday you get additional book.
    The Books are really nice, they are paperbacks, by Eric Carle, Dr. Seuss, etc.
    I highly recommend this program!
    Their website
    You can find location near you using map, just click on your state and enter your zip code.

How lucky you are to have those programs. Here in Peru we do not count with good libraries.
I look for RIF at Tallahasee where some relatives live but could not found one, The closer ones are 20 miles away.

I think that page has interesting tips for fomenting reading in kids.
I even found a calendar (in english or spanish) with daily simple activities for kids. I am attaching the example for July. I recomend you print it and follow it or take it as a guide of what can be dnoe that will help in getting good readers.