Free: Book 'You CAN be a musician' written by Hellene Hiner(downloadable)

In recognition of Hellene Hiner’s birthday 21st of February we are setting free price for her book ‘You CAN be a musician’ (available in English and Russian languages).
You can download the book here:

Thank you so much.
I am planning on starting your program when my son turns 2.

Mela Bela,

SM program is an amazing tool in teaching piano to a toddler.
I have been doing SM curriculum with my DD for couple minutes a day for the past month. I can not say enough how effective and well organized it is.

While you are waiting for your child to turn 2, there are some things that you can start to work on already:

1. READ Hellene’s Book ‘You CAN be a musician’

2. REGISTER on Soft Mozart Forum and READ some of the progress diaries.

3. DOWNLOAD Soft Mozart Solfege LR files:;u=73678
you can start showing them to your child already.

4.BUY Soft Mozart Music note flash cards - Level 1 Downloadable ENGLISH only $2.99

These “I can read music!” flash cards teach a beginner to differentiate, determine and memorize the position of music notes on the Grand Staff. We look at the Grand Staff as a symmetrical and undivided system. You have to know the order of music notes to easily locate any note on the Treble and Bass clefs. You’ll gain the skill to read the Grand Staff quickly.

The activities with this set of flash cards:

learning the music alphabet
the ascending and descending music note order
eye-sight training to differentiate line and space notes.
learning how to determine the names of the music notes on the treble staff.

5. START looking for a keyboard:
Keep checking this topic on SM forum, the SM users encouraged to review the electronic keyboards they are using.

6. THINK about starting SM program yourself, to have hands on experience with it and be able to better help your child to progress with it.

Wow Nadia Thank you so much for all the helpful information.
That was so nice of you to take the time to give me all that information.
So far I have only started on the first point you listed.
I really appreciate it and am going to make sure I get started ASAP.
We already have a keyboard at my parent’s house I just need to check to see if it is compatible.
I am also excited about the Little Musician being available soon.
I am a little worried about learning music because although I can play I have no clue what note is what and I think your suggestion that I get started before my son is what I need to do.

Thank you,

hello Nadia ,your link is really great.
Thank you for information.
I check out maximum kids are fund of music.
It is an stimulating process by which they,relax,they dance,they enjoy and they giggle.
My Lil sleeps with music,she loves to sing more than the storytelling. :slight_smile:
your links and steps are great.please keep on sharing.

Mela Bala,

I just want to encourage you to follow Nadia’s advice. My son is now 17 months. We’ve been learning with the SM Little Reader files. I’ve been taking my sons hands and depressing the keys for him. He can now pick out the notes on the keyboard. I’m not sure you have to wait until your child is 2. It might be easier at 2, but with everything in early learning, they get a good head start and they love it. If they are interested, I’m not sure we sould keep any learning from them (within reason).

This is my 17 month old learning Solfege with Soft Mozart. We started when he ws 16 months.

Thank you for the book. Do you think this keyboard could work with the software?

Many thanks

I am not sure about the rest of the specs it has,
But the main reason why it is not suitable is it has only 49 keys, you need to have at least 61 keys to be able to use it for SM.
So far what I see is that Waterdreamer is might be getting the best bet:

It has 61 keys and USB port, so you will be saving on MIDI cable…

Please, MAKE SURE TO POST ALL THE QUESTIONS, ESPECIALLY TECHNICAL ONES on Soft Mozart forum as well, so like this you can get full info on topic:

@ Sonya_post
I am showing your LR files to my 9 month old, he loves them!

In addition to my other post :

I want to point out the difference between Electronic Keyboard and MIDI keyboard controller that lelask was looking at
both can be used with SM, but in MIDI keyboard controller sound is coming from the computer,
so if it is not connected to the computer the will be no sound coming…

In Electronic Keyboard sound is coming from the keyboard, so you can hear what you are playing
Even when keyboard is not connected to the computer.

This is the type you need to look for:

While buying make sure it comes with AC adapter, and ask if it has USB port,if not you will need to buy a MIDI connector cable.
also let them know your Operational System (Windows 7, Vista 34 bit or 64 bit)
casio keyboards do not have drivers for Vista 64-bit OS, so if you have it, look at other options!

avoid keyboards with keys that light up, they may be very distracting to younger children, while using SM

Hope this info helps!

NadiaD thank you very much for your quick answer.Karma.
The one you have found looks good. It looks like an older version as it is no longer available in stores in Slovakia. But the price on ebay looks good. Not sure I would find anything cheaper. Thanks again.

Thanks Sonya
I think I will take your advice and start with him before he turns two.

hmm, I wanted to read the book but the link I received has expired. I have tried to put my husbands email next time but he has not received any link. Are SM books still available for free to download?

Can SM be installed only on one computer?

Not sure about the first question but if you contact Helene at SM she will know the answer.
SM can be installed on more than one computer but it will only run with the USB mini stick so you need to have it plugged into the computer you are using at the time :slight_smile: so you could play the games in one computer ( some games don’t need a piano to play) and play piano on a computer connected to a keyboard.

Have you registered on SM forum?
if yes, post this question there as well , like this it will be seen and answered faster!

Hi there,
This is bhanu here.It is a long time i’ve been active in the forum.I’m back.Thanks for all the info regarding softway mozart.I have the program and also noted from the forum about free download of you can be a musician by hellene .Do anyone who download can drop in a link to download please.
Please keep me posted.


Welcome back bhanu.
The book had a times link so the link will do you no good now. Pop over to the softmozart forum ( be sure you sign up, I would love to see you there!) and ask for the book there…it may even still be free if you check out the store?
We are on the softmozart journey and loving every minute.

Hi i tried to download ''You can be a Musician ‘’ by helene hiner.Unable to download.Do anyone have already downloaded the book.If so would you do the favour of attaching it here in the forum please.



There is copyright on the book. It cannot be posted without Hellene’s permission. :nowink: However, it is worth purchasing, or you can wait and hope she offers it free again. It appears that every couple of months she is offering some sort of promotional item. Also, you can sign up as an affiliate and earn discounts on her products.


thanks sonya for the reply.Yes, i will try to get the book from hellene.
