Formulas for Encyclopedic Knowledge

Help!!! :ohmy:

Can anyone explain the “formulas” for Encyclopedic Knowledge?

Thank you.

I have some of them here with me, you can also get them in the How to give your baby encyclopedic knowledge book. These are the formats I use pretty much you fill in the missing info, find the corresponding picture, print the Encyclopedic Knowledge (AKA Programs of intelligence/POI). Then you glue the picture to one side of an 11 x 11 piece of posterboard and the POIs to the otherside. Then depending on how obsessive/compulsive you are (I am very much so) you can laminate the whole thing and save it so it doesn’t get ripped/dirty.

So here is are some formulas:
Great Art Masterpieces:

Division: Art
Category: Great Art Masterpieces
Set: Great Art Masterpieces of Name of Artist
Bit of Intelligence: Name of Masterpiece
1st Magnitude: The _________ was painted by ___________.
2nd Magnitude: The ________ was painted in ___________(location).
3rd Magnitude: What type of work is it.
4th Magnitude: The subject of the work.
5th Magnitude: Some details of the work.
6th Magnitude: When the work was done/how long it took to complete.
7th Magnitude: What technique was used.
8th Magnitude: An anecdote about the work.
9th Magnitude: Where is the work today.
10th Magnitude: Some information about the artist.

Sided Shapes Template

Division: Mathematics
Category: Geometric Shapes
Set: Sided shapes
Bit of Intelligence: Shapes
1st Magnitude: A _______has _______ sides.
2nd Magnitude: A _______has ______ inside angles.
3rd Magnitude: A characteristic of its sides.
4th Magnitude: What are its inside angles?
5th Magnitude: What is its definition.
6th Magnitude: What is the sum of all its interior angles?
7th Magnitude: A _______ is a two-dimensional figure.
8th Magnitude: __________are studied in a branch of geometry called plane geometry.
9th Magnitude: In plane geometry a _________ is classified as a _________.
10th Magnitude: What is the root of the name of the shape?

Organs of the Body

Division: Human Physiology
Category: Organs of the Body
Set: Organs of the _______
Bit of Intelligence: Name of organ
1st Magnitude: The function of the organ.
2nd Magnitude: The size and weight of the organ.
3rd Magnitude: The location of the organ in the body.
4th Magnitude: How the organ works.
5th Magnitude: Parts of the body that are related to the organ.
6th Magnitude: Specific parts of the organ itself.
7th Magnitude: Specific parts of the organ described by function.
8th Magnitude: Specific parts of the organ described by function.
9th Magnitude: The organs relationship to other organs.
10th Magnitude: The medical name for the organ or a fact about the medical name.

Musical Instruments

Division: Music
Category: Musical Instruments
Set: Type of Instrument
Bit of Intelligence: Name
1st Magnitude: Type of instrument.
2nd Magnitude: Specific information about the type of instrument.
3rd Magnitude: How is the instrument played?
4th Magnitude: Specific information about how the instrument is played.
5th Magnitude: Parts of the instrument.
6th Magnitude: Specific information about a part of the instrument.
7th Magnitude: Where did the instrument originate?
8th Magnitude: What was the instrument’s first role?
9th Magnitude: A further role of the instrument (may be associated with a famous figure in music).
10th Magnitude: The modern role of the instrument (in the orchestra or in some other area).

Presidents of the United States

Division: History
Category: President’s of the United States of America
Set: Group of Presidents
Bit of Intelligence: Name
1st Magnitude: The state where the president was born.
2nd Magnitude: A fact about the president’s youth.
3rd Magnitude: The number of this president of the United States.
4th Magnitude: The most significant contribution of this person.
5th Magnitude: A fact about his participation in politics or historical events.
6th Magnitude: A fact about the political positions he held.
7th Magnitude: A fact about his contribution to politics or historical events.
8th Magnitude: His major accomplishment during his presidency.
9th Magnitude: The president’s home or memorial site.
10th Magnitude: The date or circumstances of the president’s death.


Division: Biology
Set: Predators
Bit of Intelligence: Name
1st Magnitude: Where they live
2nd Magnitude: What do they eat
3rd Magnitude: What is an outstanding characteristic
4th Magnitude: What is the number one enemy of these animals
5th Magnitude: What is the phylum of these animals
6th Magnitude: What is the class of these animals
7th Magnitude: What is the order of these animals
8th Magnitude: What is the family of these animals
9th Magnitude: What is the genus of these animals
10th Magnitude: What is the species of these animals

Bird Template:

Division: Biology
Category: Birds
Set: Song Birds of the East
Bit of Intelligence: Name
1st Magnitude: Overall appearance
2nd Magnitude: Size, can compare to another bird
3rd Magnitude: Color
4th Magnitude: The sound of the birds song.
5th Magnitude: The phylum.
6th Magnitude: The class.
7th Magnitude: The order.
8th Magnitude: The family.
9th Magnitude: The genus.
10th Magnitude: The species.

That’s all I have availible right now, as I am at work. But, you can see what I great resource these are to have and what a treasure even after your child is older. It is like an encyclopedia reference on each article. I would love to collaborate with folks here to expand each of our libraries as much as possible. I have found that having them typed on the back in exactly this fashoin is helpful in filing and subcategorizing them. Hope this helps, you can see my uploads in the printed card section of downloads for specific examples.

Thank you so much, Linzy, for reminding me of those from the book. Karma to you!!

And if you ever get serious about making POI for lots of topics, I’d love to be involved. We tried to have 10 facts for every set of Bits but then we got so busy making dozens and dozens of Bits that the facts just had to “wait” until…?

Kids love Bits, don’t they?!

Hi, thanks for those. They were really helpful.

Wow just when I thought I was catching on to everything that was available on this site, a whole new thing to explore. How much fun is this? Alot of work though but fun.


Texaslady, I’d love to get more serious about making more encyclopedic knowledge cards. It would be great if we could collaborate by sharing POIs. What would be the even better is if we could get like 8 other people to also each commit to creating the material for one set of cards a week, each in a different category. Imagine the kinds of resources we’d have available then.

That would absolutely be wonderful!! Does anyone else want to join us??

I have thousands of Bits and I hope that one day my son will use them with his children…imagine the legacy if we had all of those POI to make more!!

Haha can I join?! :stuck_out_tongue: Sounds like an awfully fun club! lol

Thanks Linzy for the fantastic detailing of how to create POIs and Encyclopedic Knowledge lessons! Karma to you!

I would be happy to join in. Just let me know how we are going to work it. I have just finished reading the encyclopedic knowledge book (am now more familiar with how to create the bits and POI) and would like to really start getting into this with my 6 month old son.
We have already started the reading and math program. We have only started bits (so no POIs yet), but would like to get ahead with materials as I can imagine that it will take no time at all to reach 1000 bits!

I do have a question that someone may be able to help with (please forgive me if it is already in the book and I have missed it). Once 1000 bits are reached, I understand that you then present POIs for retired bits in lots of 5.
How many sessions should be ideally presented throughout the day at this stage? I guess you would still be presenting new bits in groups of 10 also for new catagories. Just wondering how people structure this.

Linzy and Texaslady, Thanks for all your work so far. Karma to you both. :smiley:

Yay! I’m glad there is some interest. I think the two options would be 1) to rotate which division of knowledge we do each time (or after we finish a specific group, some groups like presidents might take more than one week) or 2) to each adopt one division of knowledge to do a set of cards on each week
I am fine w/either, however personally I think rotating might be better as some of the groups (i.e. Art) seem more time consuming than others (i.e. biology) and I don’t want anyone to get burnt out.

Right now I am working on completing sets for each of the 50 states I’d like to start w/ geography.

So the divisions are:
Human Physiology

If people want to choose one division for the next week for which they will be responsible for making either 5 or 10 cards(What do you guys think is reasonable? since you only do 5 encyclopedic cards at a time 5 is probably good to start I guess.) Then you can just post your division and chosen category. I’ll post this whole thing under a new topic so we can keep it neat.

Geography -States of the United States of America (Linzy)
Human Physiology

Here is the link to the new thread:

Excellent… sounds great. I would like to start with human physiology. Should we maybe keep the same division for a couple of weeks if we are only going to post 5? That way we could complete the rest of the set in the second week (10 bits in a typical set)

Geography -States of the United States of America (Linzy)
Human Physiology (Nbailey)

What I was thinking is you could just keep the division until you finish however many are in your set (like for states there would be 50). We definately could do 10 per a week, I just didn’t want anyone to feel overwhelmed. So if those of us who decide to do it decide on ten a week I’m fine with that.

Just wondering if anyone has developed any formulas for creating POIs for different catagories (which are not demonstrated in the encyclopedic knowledge book). As an example, I would love to have a formula for creating magnitudes for countries.

Also, can anyone shed some light on my question about structuring the presentation of POI as well as introducing new bits (how many sessions in a day?) :slight_smile:

I believe DomanMom is currently working on writing POIs for her son regarding countries. You could ask her about those. As far as showing them you are supposed to try to work up to showing 5 cards from each of the 10 divisions three times a day (with POIs) or 10 cards three times a day (without POIs). That’s what I believe at least, I don’t have my book in front of me right now. Another thing we need to decide is what format to post them in. I was planning on posting them in the flashcard section so they could be printed out 1 picture on the front and the POIs on the back(you can see some of my others like the planets, shapes or states for example). If desired we could also post them as little reader files (for those what you need to do for POIs is read each one individually and save it as picture audio, so for each single picture you’d have 10 picture audios). I did one as a little reader file. It is time intensive, but does work well.

Thank you Linzy for your very thorough reply to my question and sorry for my delayed response. :blush:

I am slowly working through the Doman books and have enjoyed watching the DVDs I had shipped from the US, but had not come across these formulas.

I will join the EKWCG and would like to select Biology first up. The weekly deadline will be just what I need to get cracking on the animal POIs I have been planning to make for my children.

How thrilling! :biggrin: