For those with kids on the spectrum how is LR going??

To All
First let me say that being a parent of a child with special needs is not an easy job, but with love and dedication everything is possible… I think… my son was diagnosed with pdd-nons a few months ago, i( he’s 28 months old) It wasn’t easy to know that, but little by little We’re been trying to accepted it and move on in order to help our son to progress and get better :slight_smile: I was wondering how is it going for those that are working with LR?? any suggestions, I will love to hear your stories…

I don’t have an answer for you unfortunately, but I wanted to ask how things are going with your child? Just touching base. :slight_smile:

I know this topic is a few months old but I have looked at it a few times and there have been no replies from anyone with a child with autism. Surely there are families with children with autism using Little Reader??? Personally, I would also love to hear how everyone is doing. What success/failure you have experienced? What works best for your child?
As for us, we have a 9 1/2 year old daughter with autism (though truthfully we should probably say she has brain damage with autistic behaviours). We have been using LR for the last year though not as faithfully as we should. She enjoys it and she has learnt probably a dozen words that I know she hasn’t been exposed to other places. Definitely not a roaring success :frowning: I think this year I’m going to start with the new version and go much slower with her. I also want to print out the flashcards and make sure that I’m reinforcing those words again throughout the day. So we will see how that goes.
Anyone else…

i use LR since they introduce from the very first day. both my kids show love n interest to LR.

LR comes with very good functions n lessons with it. i always do recommend LR

I have a 4 year old son who has autism. His problems include disordered speech (says lots of names and random words all the time, says the question and the answer… too much to describe in one page lol), lack of interest in socialising with peers, social interaction and social communication).

Difficult to know how LR is going because he doesn’t feedback. He is very fixated on the LR Lite version where he likes Action Words and acts them out at random moments!! I should do more with him but I think he prefers YBCR
Feel free to ask me any questions xx

Just an update to my situation with LR… so far is been good, he likes it and shows lots on interest on the program, I think the fact that it has lots of visual aids and sounds make it interesting, my son is non verbal, but I know he is getting all that info, his receptive language is growing, the fact that he does not talk, does not mean necessarily he is not understanding or learning… I really believe this is a great tool and is good it is out there for parents to try… :slight_smile: