For those teaching Chinese, Sesame Street DVDs available

I have been waiting for this for a long time. Finally, there are Chinese Sesame Street videos. They are currently on sale at zulily.

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Interesting, but I can’t find them on here, can you tell me where to find them?

First you sign up to see what they’re offering that day (I get a credit when someone I invited joins and places their first order!) then type in “chinese” in the search box. On page 3 (after 2 pages of shoes by Chinese Laundry) show the DVDs.

OR type “Love to Learn Collection” in the search box and all the products they assembled for today’s sale will show up. You’ll see the Little Reader kit, flashcards, learning CDs, etc in addition to the Sesame Street DVDs (which seem to be down at the bottom on page 2).

I hope I helped and didn’t confuse you more! I have often thought the site was tricky to navigate. I very nearly missed Little Reader when it was on sale because I didn’t know it was there!