For those following Doman reading schedules-Which stage are you in?

I was just curious , If you are following the Doman stages, which stage are you in? I had to stop and restart the program due to my work commitments and vacations. So I feel like I am stuck in step 1 forever? Anyone in couplets, phrases, sentences.

me too! ive been doing the first 5 words for over a month i think…sigh

I am doing sentences with my daughter - however you are supposed to do all steps at this stage - not just sentences so she gets step 1, step 2 and step 3 as well.

Basically don’t start again - just keep introducing new words and when you have enough to do some couplets then add the couplets - although they say you should start couplets after doing a certain number of words, you can start them anytime. If you teach say five colours and five single words you could start couplets after your child only knows 10 words.

It did take me longer than I thought it would to get to couplets but then I skipped from couplets to sentences very very fast. Just do what suits your child.

I started using Doman’s method 2 months ago. My daughter is now 14 months old. We’ve covered almost 200 words by now. I’ve not repeated any of them, and I don’t really test her… so I am in the same situation as many others who aren’t certain if their babies are taking all in. I plan to move into couplets soon as I’ve just completed adjectives and color words. Still keeping my fingers crossed that one day she’ll amaze me by reading out a word!

I am in the make your own book stage … we completed words, couplets, phrases and sentences and are making her own diary book, like when she drinks milk, go park etc … we take photos, wash them, paste on a coloured paper and laminate them, the odd pages will be like “I am walking with mama” and then the next page would be a photo of her and mama walking … the fonts size are the biggest available in words. And its printed in black print on white paper laminated. GD says for between 1-2yrs old, the eyes still needs to see big words … like 1-2inches and since she is still below 18mths its about 2 inches or 1.5 inches.

However, i am also repeating all the 2000+ words again, afterall although GD says do not repeat i believe he means do not repeat it after a few days or weeks as the child will get bored with it hence always show new words, but she completed all the words before turning 1, and after 4 mths rest or of other training, i re-started the GD words again but this time i go extra fast as in the words are shown 3 times a day for 1 day only instead o fthe 5 days …

GD himself said … it better to teach the babies more words … at least he catches 20-50% of 2000 words …which is 400-1000 words … which is better than learning 50-100 words thoroughly … since if that is the case … and the cards are already bought and prepared why not do it again after a few months rest … this time i hope she learns 50-70% … maybe when she is 2+ i will redo them again … and hope she gets 100% the next time … otherwise what a waste of the money spent on those cards only to use them once and a 20-50% effective rate …

Anyway i think its a continuous process … she is used to seeing words now … just she hasn’t shown me she knows how to read … but its okay … she understands what i am saying …

hi saniso,
I have just done with 100 words, ya I started off very late…you know that :slight_smile:
Now we are doing couplets with colors and opposites alongside with words as GD refers to introduce toddlers to couplets, phrases, and sentences quickly. I am also doing some categories in LR which I find in his books and I introduce them alongside with the book. I feel that he catches up quickly this way. I have uploaded all the categories I made for my son. Good luck in teaching your baby,

thank you everyone for your responses. Tanikit, I had forgotten about single words to be used even after introducing couplets, sentences etc. thanks for reminding me about that. Thank you ,trinity papa for your detailed explanation. And Anjie , as again inspired by you, I will to quickly go on to couplets.

I feel so much better after reading the replies. I was feeling slightly like a failure because I wasn’t strictly following GD schedule.

I did single words, about 400 of them, before I moved on to couplets, which I only did about 40 of, before I moved directly to books. I tried to do the sentences stage but my 1 yr. old was not interested. She likes the books much better.

Then I discovered YBCR and LR and Powerpoint flash cards and ever since then I have been to quote another member “…the pinacle of haphazard”.

I know I could be more organized and effective, but the haphazardness seems to be working. She is reading about 10 words right now and she is 17 months old, so hopefully it only gets better from here.

We are in the biginning stages still. :slight_smile: