Foods you couldn't eat during pregnancy

Hi there,

I always find it so interesting to hear of the different things moms couldn’t eat during their pregnancy (apart from the things we know we were to avoid).

For me it was eggs in any form, tumeric powder and most acidic things, like tomatoes or pineapples etc.
I ate a lot of bananas as they settled my stomach.

What about you?


I could anything, but just in VERY small proportions. I could eat a whole small pizza by myself before I was pregnant & when I got pregnant I could only eat 1 slice & be stuffed. I weighed 6km less after my baby was born than when I got pregnant.
I could not however eat meat in the first 3 months, after that everything was good!

I was one of those ladies that got a metallic taste in her mouth from pregnancy. It lasted thru the first trimester only, thankfully. So most foods were ruined. I remember my dh took me to my favorite restaurant and I ordered the crab bisque which I love, and it tasted so awful, awful, awful.

I did not have any dislikes…
But I had a strong desire for anything sour like gerkhin, mustard, and many many spices.
And it hasn’t gone away.
The funny thing is that my daughter loves strong tasting food. From an early age she sampled garlic, onions, strong cheese, gerkhins, chili etc…
If she does not eat her tomatoes for example, I give her vinaigrette (with more vinegar than oil :-), tell her it’s a spicy sauce and all the tomatoes are gone in no time. lol

I could eat anything, although I was a little picky on occasions. I didn’t crave anything either.

I couldn’t stand the smell or taste of milk during pregnancy, it would make me throw up…This was totally opposite for me, especially that I have been all along so fond of milk and this sudden change…But once delivery was over, I started gulping milk again as before! :smiley:

Oh I forgot…I couldn’t stand the smell of toothpaste too…! Weird!!

It is funny because I craved peaches and berries, but I couldn’t eat bananas, magoes (which I love) and pinneaple. These fruits really hurt my stomach.

Ohhh…I had a really weird sense of tasting and smelling while I was pregnant with my daughter.
-I couldn’t smell hamburgers at all…no even driving by a fast food place because I could smell them from the roud…same thing with mexican food!! but I had my plastic bags handy all the time:wacko:
-I had this strong desire for peaches , beets and fruit salad with yogurt…I had to eat them every day!!!
-We had to stop using perfume (my husband and me)otherways I was in trouble.believe it was such a bad feeling, right to the bathroom!!until this days we can’t! i still have this is really weird!
besides that evrything was good. I was with sickness until 7 months pregnant.I could keep no even water in my system sometimes.


Shame it sounds like you really had it rough!!!

I just remembered after reading about your experience, that we had just had the most gorgeous teak kitchen cupboards installed when I fell pregnant. The smell of them nearly finished me!!! I’d walk in the room and literally run to the bathroom to throw up. It was awful. We moved when I was six months pregnant - thankfully!!! I also had the nausea and vomitting till seven months. Someone then recommended I change my supplement tablet and it made a huge difference.


oh no i had tough time on my pregnancy. every thing smells bad for me from perfume, food and even if anything get hot it make wost smell for me .only sweet things can be eaten and few fruits like apples and pears. raw milk and honey what i had mostly on those days. my favorite banana cannot be taken as it give burning sensation. i vomited heavily that it came blood from the throat. sometimes i cant take any food and survive with the help of IV. the funny thing is that i cant drink most of the water available here

My 1st trimister was a tough one also, I threw up everytime I smell garlic or onion ; I couldnt eat anything and was craving my hometown cooking badddd (Taiwanese food). I made my husband drive 2 hours almost every other day to the other side of the town to get me food. :ohmy:

Shame… some of your experiences sound awful… I guess we should be glad it’s only for nine months then!

Just for interest sake when did your sickness start?

Mine was at about 2 and 1/2 months - 7 months and after that just nausea.


I could not eat PIZZA, and it is my favorite food. Thanks God it passed by…

I could not smells rice, and I love white rice with black beans. But that was only after my fourth month.

I couldn’t eat anything with fried onions or garlic.
I did crave food that was so spicy it made my son’s dad sick and have crazy heartburn but I was just fine

I loved chocolates before i was pregnant. After i got pregnant i just dont like to eat them and had no craving for it. When i went for a buffet which included chocolate fondue, i totally avoided it…and my friends were quite shock…haha

my mother keeps yelling at me for eating “potato chips” and drinking pepsi and junk food, but I’ve been craving them like hell, I really don’t know if it harms my baby. I heard the baby takes whatever it needs from the mother’s body. Am I really harming my baby? Note that I am taking multi vitamins

hi butterfly 320, yes, msg from junk food as well as cola drinks are harmful for babies. I had that craving too until now, but I try to substitute cola drinks with the lesser evil, sweetened natural drinks like nestea, coconut juice and other fruit shakes. Plus, if the craving is really that hard to resist, I take a sip or two but not too much since my baby may get sickly once she’s born.

So if you can avoid it, please do, for you and your baby’s sake.

Take note that I had been sick twice due to cola drinks (during my 2nd and 3rd month of pregnancy)


Your baby is going to eat what you eat. That’s why you should eat as naturally and healthy as possible. Try to keep away from processed, high sugar and salt foods. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Your baby’s brain and body needs healthy food, not junk.

Caffeine is very bad during pregnancy. They are very high in sugar too, which you should really stay away from.
Try a non-caffeinated version like caffeine-free coke or pepsi if you really must have a soda. I drank them occasionally during my pregnancy.
MSG in chips is not good, and they are also high in salt and fats. You might want to try some more natural versions of chips, like pita chips. They are not as bad and might satisfy your salty cravings.

I’m like Marimari and Nataliecxy! When I was pregnant I found I didn’t like eating the junkfoods/less healthy options that I normally love. I really enjoy Burger King (Bacon double cheesburger deluxe) and McDonalds (Big Macs) as well as pizza … it was probably good for the pregnancy :smiley:

I did start eating lots of icecream (don’t normally love the stuff) - which increased my dairy intake!