Food Allergy

We were feeding our son the baby ceral for some weeks and then with the encouragement of his doctor we made him fresh organic green peas to eat. After the first feeding his face became red on his cheeks and around his eyes. He seemed a little fussy and normally he is never fussy. I have looked at different sites and most state that green peas is a low allegery food to try feeding a baby for the first time. I am hesistant to even trying to feeding him other foods because I am scared he will be allergic to them as well. Should I wait to introduce him to new foods?

Are you breast feeding?
I would wait. I know that there are new recommendations to wait until children are at least 12 months now. They are seeing many allergies that doctors are wanting parents to wait as long as they possibly can. As far as allergies one never knows what their child is going to be allergic to. I would wait.

I heard on news (in Slovakia) that after a long research they learnt that the best age to introduce food to a baby is four months. Appareantly there is a “window of opportunity” and less alergies later in live. I don’t know wat to think about this.
It has been two months now that we( I am still breast feeding) are not eating any milk products as we are fighting eczema=food intolerance/alergy.
This is what I was told:
When testing food,if there is a reaction, you leave it out for two weeks and try again. If there is still reaction leave it out for six months.
How to test? If you are breast feeding - you eat it and watch out for the reaction ,usually 18-20 hours from the time you ate it.If you are not breast feeding- first day spread it around his mouth, second day- one tea spoon, third- two tea spoons and so on.
But I am sure you can leave peas out and try different food and get back to it later.

Bela, how old is your son??? I start feeding my babies when thay were 6 to 7 months. I don’t understand how is possible, all my kids born with allergy and my husband and I, we have nothing. I think you shoud wait a month and try it again. I recomend start with sweet potato. :blink:

. How do you deal with the eczema??? For my kids nothing work and I decide to not use esteroids anymore, but I don’t know wath to do…

Yes I am breastfeeding. Thanks for everyone’s advice I waited a month and he is fine now. I started with avocodas.
I use Aveeno baby body wash the original scent (recommended by our pediatrician) for his body wash. We were told not to use scented ones. We also use aveeno baby body lotion. For eczema we use cetaphil soap and lotion. Cetaphil is very mild and was recommended to us by the advice nurse at my son’s doctors office. Our perdiatrician also told us that when a baby gets food on his face it also can also be the reason for redness and to put baby vaseline around his mouth before we feed him. since the green pea incident we have had no problems so we have not used the vaseline when we feed him.

Glad to hear that he is fine now. Avocados are really good for the first foods. They are low in sodium and cholesterol-free, contain quite a bit of vitamin A (which is good immune booster), vitamin B-6, folic acid, niacin, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron. Ounce-for-ounce avocados contain more potassium than 45 other fruits, juices, or vegetables, including bananas, peaches, carrots, and green beans, and they are one of the only fruits that contain monounsaturated fats, which are essential for baby’s development.

Avocados also are higher in calories than any other fruit or vegetable. This is a plus for babies, since feeding infants calls for foods that contain a lot of nutrition per unit of weight and volume. For variety, avocados can be mixed with apple or pear sauce, cooked squash, or sweet potatoes. Once you see that he does not have any reactions to those of course.

Just go slow. So happy he is doing better. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks Skylark :slight_smile:
Karma to you because he has successfully eaten bananas, pears, squash and sweet potatoes but I can tell he misses the avocados because he does not eat them as well. I am going to prepare an apple for him in a few days. I am so happy you mentioned the types of food that will mix well with the avocado. It will be a nice treat for him. One of the peditricians we saw a couple weeks ago (to make sure his congestion was not anything serious)almost bit my head off regarding the foods my son has not yet eaten. I am glad she is not our regular peditrician. She made me feel horrible that I am not feeding Cayden pureed table foods.

How do you deal with the eczema??? For my kids nothing work and I decide to not use esteroids anymore, but I don’t know wath to do…
It si not easy to deal with eczema. I refused to use esteroids. What we are doing is that we are not eating any eggs,chicken, dairy,cheese,butter-everything what contains the cow/bovine protein-not sure what is it called in english . Instead we eat lot of vegetable that contains calcium . Now I am slowly bringing back the dairy products into her diet and check the skin reaction. I aslo keep a diary of everything she eats. Now when I started testing the food I realized that it probably isn’t the bovine protein but I am still not 100% sure. I know it is a banana which causes the eczema. Her legs were all nice and clear and then I gave her the banana and within couple of hour there was quite a bad reaction on her legs. So now, after her legs get all clear I’ll l give her a yogurt and will keep doing that for 5 days depending on reaction.
Testing is a very long process but the best way to see the results.
Have you tried anything similar?

Eczema is so hard to deal with. My 4 year old started with it just over a year ago. Prior to that she has these spots on her skin that are scaly and discolored. We were referred to a Chinese Acupuncturist for healing. She has been wonderful and although this is frustrating, we have learned so much. She suggested we read The Tao of Healthy Eating and that has really helped us decide what to feed her. I was following the doctor’s suggestions for her diet and even still we would have flair ups. It was so frustrating. I was unsure that these skin issues are all diet related because as I said, I was following what I was told and she would clear up and then flair up.

The Tao book taught us that wheat and oats are dampening foods and the doctor has told us that she suffers from heat and dampness. We have replaced barley for oats and millet and rice for the bread. We have seen wonderful improvements. We do not even go to the doctor anymore because we have learned how to keep it much improved.

Interestingly, a few weeks ago she got a stomach virus and was throwing up for 3 days and could eat nothing. Amazingly her skin was as smooth and clear as it has ever been. The eczema has completely gone away and the spots on the front of her legs are much. much better. It just proved to me that this is all diet related and if we can learn what is best for her and be diligent with her diet, she will recover completely.

On a separate note, I introduced food quite late with my 5 other children but with her I started to feed her regularly at 6 months. She was breast fed until a year just like the others, but I made sure she was eating regularly, whereas with the others they didn’t have table food regularly until about 10-12 months. She is the one with problems and the others have no allergies. It makes me wonder…