Font Size?

What font size should I use to make a book for toddlers (currently 21 months)? I read somewhere that you should use a large font with babies, but at what age do you make the font smaller. I’m thinking that would probably have been the same time that they started picking up small objects like peas. Right now I am using a 36 font which is about 0.9 cm high when printed, should it be bigger?

Bigger is always better! Make everything as easy and fun as possible.

Most importantly: know your student! Watch his/her eyes intently as you “read” the words on the page you are showingthem - not yourself (i.e. memorize each page and recite the words as you stare at your student while showing them the words - see if their eyes are really following the words!)

Once you know that they can read a certain font, stick to that font until you need to shrink the words in order to fit more words on the page - and then check your students abilities again (always stare at them as you “read”/recite to them!) Make the fonts bigger if they show any signs of difficulty (or perhaps even difficulties expressed as apparent boredom).

Remember: everyone (you and I included) has a different reading ability depending on the font size (try reading incredibly small, fine print for a while - see how fast and easily you can read it!) - also everyone has different eyes (I need glasses to see far away, but I can read fine print without - however, the bigger the font size the faster I read with less “mistakes” - like when I speed read a font that is too small!)

Make it as easy as possible for them (and yourself) to read - isn’t that the point?

Don’t forget: I believe boldness is as important as - or more important than - both font size and the particular font you use!!

Make everything as bold as possible! Take up the whole page and use big pages!
