Font in Hand made flash card???


When we write then we use different fonts like in writinging ‘r’ , ‘l’ , ‘p’ etc. is different than what is generally printed in the books.
I hope you are getting my point.

Here my query is that when i make flash cards in hand writing then what font should i use , my own handwriting or the fonts which are there in the books.


Use your own handwriting. That’s what I do. I can’t write in font. lol
It doesn’t seem to matter if she reads the word on the screen, or on a already made flashcard, or one I have made. They will recognize the word either way.

At one point my dd had trouble reading in any font except the main one my computer automatically printed in. We started changing the font on the computer & having different members of the family print flashcards in their own ( as neat as possible) handwriting. She can now read words written pretty well any way.

Yes…I used my own handwritting to make these flashcards…
and I wrote in small seperate letters…not cursive writting…
my baby’d recognise these easily and did not have much difficulty in recognising similar fonts elsewhere…

I found the only letter I really had to think about was letter “a”. I wrote them out both ways for different words.

Actually, that’s one of the reasons I decided to create Little Reader - so I could show the same word with many different fonts. BTW, we’ll be adding cursif fonts to LR later too which will appear in some review lessons.

Actually i use ‘r’ as cursive ‘r’ .
Just for my baby flash card i am writing ‘r’ as non cursive.

May be it is difficult to explain you right now my ‘r’ condition.
But i hope u understand.


When we hand-write we print them with either all serif letters or all without serifs, and none are cursive.

But we mostly just print them off the computer in “Print Clearly” a free font. Available at