Fleshcards reading duration


I am new to this forum and I am new to parenting. I have a 7-mo old boy whom I have have been reading to. I have just recently found Little Reader and am interested in trying out the fleshcards. I have some questions for those who have tried it:

  1. How young did you start your baby with the fleshcards?
  2. What is the duration of the fleshcards lesson? I know that babies don’t really have a long attention span, just wondering how long you do it for.

Thank you.


i started teaching my E when she was 6 month and my kivi at 2 month
both my kids lov lr .

at the start u can try a session of 2 minutes and can increase tming depending on ur kids attetion and interest.
hop this helps u

We started at 4 months with #1 and at 6 months with #2 ( due to moving and computer problems :frowning: )

They both love reading and loved LR lessons, there is a lot of variety, and lessons are upbeat and short – they are designed for very young learners.

Sessions were a few minutes each, as my girl grew she would always ask for extra lessons, so I would download some additional files in English, Russian or Mandarin from the library on the topics that she liked, and would do a few of those. You can check the library with free extra lessons here:

http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?cat=63 – English lessons
http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?cat=64 - Foreign languages ( 20+ different languages!)

Hope it helps. Please do ask if you have any other questions!

I don’t know the exact time, but you can start with 100 flashcards a day, increase it to 250 flashcards a day slowly!

Your LO is too young but Shichida recommand for younger kids up to 1000 flashcards a day :wacko:

My LO is 9 and half now and I still work with 100 flashcards a day

Good luck momma!!

100 card? its that to heavy for our baby?

Hi Syahirah,

No, it’s not heavy! Shichida recommand to start with 100 cards. If you show each card in 1 second it takes just 100 seconds, less than 2 minutes!

But if you think your baby doesn’t like it, you can separate it. Two groups of 50 cards. One morning and one evening or anytime LO is ready!