My name is Irina, and I am new to the LR. My daughter is 13 months and has Down Syndrome. I am a little confused about how to do both flash cards and computer lessons: I want to do both, but not sure where the words I flash should be the same as those in the days lesson, or different? I read that there is no wrong or right way to do it, but I want to do it the best and most beneficial way. Do any of you have any suggestions as to what worked best for your kid?
Thank you so very much in advance!
LR has a function where you can print the days lesson as flashcards, you can do that
Or you can do your lessons straight on computer ( which is what we did mostly)
In case you would like to use some of the words that are not included in the lessons, with editing function you can easily add those words, with your recorded pronunciation and pictures if you wish.
Irina have you read Domans books “how to teach your baby to read”? It gives very step by step instructions on flashing cards, you might find it very useful. It is probably available at your library too.
There really is no hard and fast rule about this stuff but I could make some suggestions that you might like to try.
Firstly make sure you and baby are having fun with the flash cards and lessons. A cranky baby learns nothing.
Option one
Use LR on the computer in the morning and then perhaps use printed flash cards of the same words in the afternoon. Use LR again in the evening if your time allows it. Or flash the cards quickly before sleep.
Option two
Consider LR and flash cards as two separate words lists. Create cards with words that are important or relevant to your baby’s life. (Names, dates, words gathered from the home environment or park days) flash these in groups of 5-10 three or more times a day very quickly. Try flashing physical cards each time you change a nappy or put on a seatbelt. Then use LR each morning and night on the computer.
You are aiming to show each card 5 times and then retire it. Bring out the same words again occasionally but in a couplet or sentance. First baby learns " orange" then maybe “orange bike” then “eat the orange” then “I like orange” then “here is the orange pencil” over the course of a year.
Just remember to do what works for you. Any words shown any number of times so long as your child enjoys it.