Hi all! I was wondering what you do with flashcards that you’re done with, like as your little one gets older? Do you just put them away in a file, throw them out, recycle them, sell them, or do they go to flashcard heaven, lol!? I’m asking both because I’m just plain interested for when I get to that point, and also because I was thinking of posting a WTB ad/request on the appropriate forum/board here- but don’t know if I’d be wasting my time… since I just don’t know what people do with their old ones.
With all the effort, energy, and heart I put into Hunter’s cards, they’re going to be around for a while! I plan to use them with my future children and pass them onto the next generation.
Most “flashcards” aren’t aren’t all that meaningful but the bits that I make are made to be around for a while, using beautiful, high-quality pictures and laminating each one, and accompanying each one with hard-researched information. I’ve spent so many hours of time and dollars of money pouring into each set and hope they will be around for many generations. I think our bits are our most valuable and sentimental heirlooms!
It is somewhat of an inconvenience, though, that people are so attached to the cards they’ve spent so many hours creating, because it’s all but impossible to find someone selling Doman materials. And I know there’s got to be tons of parents out there who have done the Doman programs (as the books have sold over a million copies and hundreds have attended their course). However some people do sell theirs so it’s always worth a try!
We will still be needing our cards for a long time to come, however I do plan to pass them on eventually. I am hoping when the time comes to find another family who has a child with special needs to give them to.
I’m curious. How do you make your cards? Do you print them on regular letter-size/A4 paper then laminate them? Do you use a heaver paper? Do you have a lamination machine? For me, I bought some hard-plastic sleeves, then I just put the paper in the sleeve. However, the size is small, exactly half of an A4 page. I think if I had a lamination machine, I would definitely laminate them rather than swapping paper in and out.
I’m not sure what I will do with my “used” word cards?? Right now I have this growing mountain of a stack in my laundry room. Domanmom is right, I guess I have this strange attachment to them since they took me so long to make. lol The idea of just throwing them away is just awful. Perhaps if I think they are going on to a better place (flash card heaven) it will be easier. :wub:
I agree with Doman mom. I print my cards with information on the back, gluestick them onto posterboard and then laminate the whole thing. I have a laminator I bought for cheap at Sam’s Club and I buy sleeves in bulk at laminatorking. With all that time and money we will keep them for future children and maybe one day grandchildren.
We have two big boxes that are full of retired Bits, and we keep them in the closet organized by category
Like many of you, I spent so much time and money on my bits that we will be keeping them for a long, long time. lol