flash cards

What is everyone’s recommendation for flashcards?

Did you make your own, print them, or buy them?

If you made them, how do you do it, what materials do you use, and do you have pictures on them?

If you print them, did you get them from this site or somewhere else?

If you buy them, where did you buy them from? Any specific recommendations?

Thank you!

hi ksomom…
im a new member too. Well, i surf internet…and most of them referred to glenn doman…aim to read it and apply the method…besides this brillbaby site…

Hi Ksomom

I have made flash cards for my baby and grandson. In fact I am trying to set up a little business to try and sell them. Flash cards are certainly not readily available here.

I have used material from this site as well as my own. I print on normal computer paper and laminate them myself. I have used a ring binder to store them. I find that Sive loves to flip through them herself as well. I also have others that have multiple pictures of the same thing and the same word printed many times on a single page. In this case I have printed the word in upper and lower case and used different fonts.

At this stage I have made numbers as well as animals and “everyday” things. I have a single word on the back of the card and a picture on the front. E.g. for the word “mommy” I have a picture of myself on the reverse side.

Hope this helps. If you would like more info just let me know. :wink:

I made the majority of my flashcards. For the words I followed domans recommendations and just printed words on them. However, instead of the word again on the other side I put the French transpation so we can do it both ways. For the encyclopedic knowledge cards I put pictures on one side and then the infomation on the other side. For the topics I used “how to give your baby encyclopedic knowledge” by doman and found the pictures/info on the internet. I then use a menu size sheet of laminating plastic and laminate one 11x11 encyclopedic knowledge card with 1 or 2 word cards.

i make flashcards by myself. i do print words and pictures on 8x8 hard paper.
so that i can customize my flash cards as on my wish. and also i cant find out flashcards in the market. if available on the market i recommend you to buy cos its taking too much time.

Don’t forget that you can print out your word libraries from LR!

We make ours on 5x7 index cards (words) and then laminate them with a homemade laminator. That way they would hold up for several more children if we have them.

I was wondering what a “Homade” laminator is?

Homemade…sorry for the typo

I would love to know how to make a homemade laminator. That would be very helpful.

Right now, for flashcards, I have a stack of scrap paper (8.5 x 11) and a black marker in my kitchen. We do a lot of our work while my boy is in his high chair. When I find a new word that I want (today it was the word “more”), I grab a sheet, write it out and use it. I throw away the ones that look tattered or stained (like banana. I’ll often show him two foods and ask which one he wants. He likes bananas. :wink: )

However, I would like to have some flashcards that are sturdier and which the baby could handle if he wanted to (like the number dots).

Hi THen

I think the method you are using in the high chair is great. If you do have lots of scrap paper, it is ideal to “rewrite” often as the same word will look different every time. Of course the drawback is that they are disposable! I’m sure that you would be able to buy a small laminator from a stationery shop for a reasonable price. I have a very small one that can only take up to A4 paper.

I was getting mine done by a stationery shop and they were charging me R5.00 for one A4 sheet! (I dont know what the equivalent is in your currency, but it was impossible for me to afford).

With trial and error I have found that the lamininator works better on slightly heavier paper than computer paper. The Index cards mentioned by david1221 work a treat!

You can find an example of my flash cards which I have put onto a PP slide show called “Rainbow”.

I look forward to our challenge in the word games lol


ps. I dont have a clue about a homemade laminator!

I am using contact paper (usually used to cover school books or to line drawers with in a house) to “laminate” my cards. It is not as hard as proper lamination, but it has worked very well for me - my daughter can throw her words in the bath if she likes and they stay fine. It does take a little practice to get the contact onto the words smoothly and quickly, but it is pretty easy and relatively cheap.


Thank you Ldies (Malma and Tanikit) for your prompt and useful responses. I appreciate it and will try one project with contact paper (which I have never used) and see it’ll work :wink: