Flash card pictures - clip art/drawings or real photos?

Hi all!
Since you’re talking about flash cards, I was wondering if it makes a big difference for the baby to see clip art pictures and drawings as opposed to photos. I would say photos are the best, but then there are some topics like for example ‘feelings’ or ‘verbs’ for which it’s easier to find drawn pics. Any counsel on that? TX!!!

I like real photos when using flash cards as I think this gives them the true meaning of the word. For actions and feeling words, I like to actually do the action or act out the feeling rather than show a card. :clown:

I definately think real pictures are best! I use them in all of my categories.

I vote for real pictures too. Problem with real pictures is that often there is a lot of extraneous background stuff that distracts from the main object you are trying to show, so in that sense, some ‘cartoons’ may be more effective.