Flash card downloads

I am trying to prepare everything I need before I really get started with my little guy. I want to have flash cards in addition to what I have on the computer because it isn’t always convienent to get on the computer with him. Anyway, I was looking at all the great downloads available for flash cards and was really excited. I will be using letter size cards because that’s what I can print out.

My only concern is that on the printouts, on the sides with the dots, is a page number and the Brillbaby logo (or maybe Brillkids). It is fairly prominent on the bottom of the page and colorful. Won’t this be destracting to baby when trying to focus on a quantity if there are extra things on the paper? Or am I just being picky?

Hmm, it might be. Thanks for pointing that out.

The positive thing is that, because it is a constant object that’s on the card and very different from the dots, I believe the mind will figure out very soon that it should be ignored. But the point you make remains.

We didn’t have dots in mind when designing the printout function. We only imagined pictures, in which case a logo and a small print of the word name at the bottom (it’s not a page number, btw! :slight_smile: ) would not be distracting compared with the picture (of for example, a dog).

Will have a further think about this!

You’re right KL about it not being to noticable with the pictures. I didn’t even notice it until I got to the dots. Perhaps if the page was flipped so that the number was on the logo side and the dots on the other it wouldn’t be a big deal. Just an idea :slight_smile: