First Visit to the Dentist

When was your childs’ first visit to the dentist and how often does he recomends a visit.
My grandson is 3.5 years but only visits the pediatrician.
I remenber my children went around 7-8 years old.

They recommend you start taking them as early as 1 and definitely by 2. My son is 2.5 and I have not brought him yet.

My dd’s dentist recommended an appointment by the time all of their baby teeth came in.

My little daughter is now 1y and 8 months.We visited the dentist for the first time when she was 1 year and 6 months.It is good to visit your dentist as early as posible and only to examine the child.That is recomemded because the child have to get used to the new place and new situation.Also it is good to go there before you have a problem,when the teeth are healty, because the child will conect the dentist with possitive emotions.If you go there when you have already a problem the child will conect the dentist with negative emotions and will not like going there.I made that mistake with my olther child.When we visited the dentist for the first time he alredy had bad teeth and when we started to make them he refused to go to the dentist cabinet.I had a lot of broblems with making his teeth so now with my second child I am trying not to make the same mistake again.So we are visiting the dentist every 6 months to examine her teeth.

My dentist told me to bring them when they are 3 years old.

My dentist recommends starting at 2 yrs especially if they have all their baby teeth. As joni said you want to take them before problems develop so they dont associate it with bad experiences.

I was a pediatric dental assistant and we told parents 6 months after there first tooth or at one years old. Which ever comes first.

I can’t imagine any reason to bring an infant to the dentist until most of the baby teeth are in. They’re just going to come out, and the permanent teeth are the only ones that matter, so unless your infant/toddler has pain, or a new tooth is growing under the baby tooth which won’t exit gracefully, what’s the point?

Well the baby teeth guide the adult teeth into place. If you lose let’s say the 2 year molars at 3 because of gross dental decay the replacement tooth will not come in till they are 12, but the molar behind it comes in at 6. It will drift into the other spot leaving no room for the other tooth when it comes in at 12. Tons and tons of money to have braces to fix that mess. So if you can fix alittle cavity, save the tooth, all the teeth fall into place nicely by have. Quick check up with the dentist why not? We have countless parents that come in with there kids that have suffered all night from a huge abcess that could have been seem by a dentist.
I have seen 1000’s of kids have to go for dental surgery to have there teeth crowned or removed. Three oldscoming back to our office 6 months later begging us to give them there front teeth back. And I had to tell them they don’t come in till 7(heck even longer because the baby teeth are not there to guide them)
they are teased growing up for there silver teeth or not having any at all.
And that was my piece.

Thanks to everyone. I found very interestin the idea of visiting when there is no problem so that he will see it as something normal and will not get scared but… if he has to return because of a problem IT WILL HURT ANYWAY. Unless of course the correct ‘aneshtesia’ is use. HMMMMMM maybe you are right, first visits have to be pleasant and not go when something IS HURTING. Maybe at 3 years old.

I think there is no one that will say that they LIKE going to the dentist.

Waterdreamer, I appreciate your input especiall having been a dentis assitance. I took my kids somewhat old but i remember it was a dentist that work only with kids and they enter alone (with the nurse) and I waited at reception. I myself had terrible teeth problems and remember going with my mom and pressing her hand when it hurts. I HATE going to the DENTIST.

We found once kids were old enough to go to kindergarten they did better 99% of the time on their own without there moms. They tend to be braver. I sent my son in on his own at 3.5 years old. I sat in the waitroom and was so nervous, and my co worker came out to get me so I could talk to the dentist because he was done his cleaning, and he did so well. I was the one worked up lol. Kids sense that there parents are scared of the dentist,and then in return are scared too. My parents sent me in on my own as a child to let me come up with my own option, and I love going to the dentist. I know I’m a freak, but I love how clean they feel after. Even now, I have problems with grinding and I still dont mind going.

my little one’s first trip to the dentist was when he was about a year also. he had so much fun meeting new people and playing with the toys in the waiting room.

Great for your kid Dadsrock, not all are lucky enough to have a nice experiance as your little one did.
Good for you.

my 7 year old’s first visit to the dentist was a nightmare! he was about a year old at the time and he was convinced that the dentist was going to take all his teeth away! very sad. but now they get along much better. he hasn’t had a cavity yet and the dentist always gives him cool little toys. :smiley:

Our dentist does a special first visit from about 3 years old where they get the child to sit in the chair, ask them if they can count check their teeth and show them some of the instruments for checking teeth and explaining what they’re for. Then they get a special teeth activity book and pencils and stickers so the kids love it. We just took Hannah last month.

Before then they have always been good about letting kids come in and look when I’ve gone. Mind you my Mum comes too to look after her in reception and is also a patient there.

I think the familiarity is a good thing. Much like my kids come with me to the dr so it’s not all about going when they are sick or need vaccinations.

My 10 month old has already been for her first dentist visit. She has 7 teeth. The dentist said that getting them in early is fine because it gives them a chance to get used to every thing before they actually have a problem.

Wow, none of my girls have had any teeth until they have been around 10-11 months and at 13 months my daughter has only 3 teeth.

My eldest DD is nearly 9 and has only lost 4 teeth so far which is a lot less than others her age. She lost her first tooth the month before she turned 8.

My oldest had his first tooth by 3 months! Is that unusual?

We just went to visit our dentist the other day and I asked her when BC should start going and she said 2-3 years. Before this she isn’t going to fill a cavity anyway apparently because it just isn’t possible to have them sitting there having their teeth drilled. She also said NO NO NO juice or sugary drinks in the bottle and to get them off a bottle onto a cup as soon as possible. Also no bottle/cups in bed. She said to have 3 main meals a day but then to snack on healthy dairy products like cheese and yoghurt between meals as this won’t leave as much sugar in the mouth. Hope that helps!

I was a pediatric dental assistant and we saw kids at 1 year old of 6 months after there first teeth. We also did fillings on young children either in the chair or in an operating room depending on there behavior. I would recommend you got in the phone book and call a pediatric dentist for his/her option of when your child should start going as they are the experts when it comes to young children’s dental health. Even if it’s just if a quick check up dentist can catch a problem before it gets too bad. I have seem 20month olds have to have all there teeth removed under general anesthetic due to problems not being caught early. Obviously this is rare but it not as rare as you might think.