First Homeschool Convention - Any advice or vendors I should check out?

I’m going to a huge homeschooling convention and was wondering if anyone has been to something similar? I know RightStart Math and Math U See will be there - is anyone familar with either of those programs? Any other advice or products I should be sure to check out? Thank you!

If its a two day event, window shop the first, and buy the second.
Math U See is amazing! My son loves it. We are doing the primer level right now. But while in line I talked to a bunch of parents and they said they used it from kindergarten to grade 12 and would never have thought about using anything else. Apparently as things get more complex they are very good at explaining it so both the parent and the child understand.
Right start Math looked good too, however it had to many piece for me. I hear good things it was just more expensive and to me not as laid out.
Talk to parents there, alot of homeschooling vets will take you under there wing and tell you what worked for their child. Its nice to hear different ideas. For me Math U See won hands down after talking to so many parents. But I’m a newbie so don’t take my word for it, explore!!
Have fun and please when in the vendor room be prepared to be overwhelmed LOL I know I was

Hi TheyCan,

I went to the conference with Waterdreamer and agree with her about the “overwhelming-ness” of the vendor room. My son is only two, but we wanted to scope things out…do some recon, if you will :slight_smile: I’m glad we did, now when it comes down to actually buying stuff I will have a better idea of what is out there.

In regards to specific curriculum it is so hard to suggest what you should buy. Number one, because I haven’t yet started official kindergarten homeschooling…and number two, because I know that everyone is so different - you AND your child.

Where I sit at this point,in regards to math, I can see that Right Start Math will be better for me and my style. I like the theory behind what they do and why they do it. My “buy in” is much larger with this product - again, I say - at this point. I don’t know what type of a learner my son will be in three years. I think you really need to know yourself and your child - what will work for you as a team…not what works for me or what works for Waterdreamer or what works for the vetran you meet at the conference. LISTEN to what everyone says, gather your own data, but also listen to your own gut…even if it is a product that the majority isn’t using, it just may be perfect for you and your child.

BTW, with most homeschooling associations there is a second hand branch - when people are done with their curiculum packages, they sell them off. I just recently bought a Right Start package because it was ridiculously cheap…I hope I’ll still need it in three years! lol

Thank you so much for the great tips! It is great to see that the two of you went together and came away with something different that you think will work for your family! I will be sure to talk to the other families as much as possible and keep an eye out for a second hand table :). Thank you guys so much!

i love singapore math which i bought at a convention
the books are great with very little busy work
my 3 year old is finishing the kindergarten program
it was very easy to use and she learn so much
plus it’s cheap :biggrin:

I did look at that program but the local homeschool shop owner suggested again it saying that it lacked in a few areas and only carried it because people like to us it as a suppliment to other programs. I didn’t get into too much detail with him because I had no plans on using that program but I’ll ask next time I talk to him.

I don’t know if you’re looking for art but if you are, Artistic Pursuits is awesome!

thanks for the advice sarahjean I’ll look into it