First Books for Baby

I love the Maisy books. There are several reasons why I love them. First of all, the stories are very uncomplicated and simple, which make them perfect for babies and toddlers. I really enjoy the simplicity of the Maisy books. Secondly, the illustrations are bright, bold and eye catching. I really like Lucy Cousin’s style of illustrating her books. Again, they are simple and very attractive to children and adults. The third reason I love the Maisy books is because of the font they are written in. It is large and easy to read. This is perfect for new readers. If they can easily read the font it is very beneficial to finger point to the text while you are reading to encourage your child to read sentences. And the fourth reason I love the Maisy books is because many of them, I am not sure if all of them, have the text on a separate page. This is wonderful when you are teaching your baby to read. You can fold the book in half and focus on the text and then look at the pictures. The books have only a few sentences per page, which make them a great transitioning tool from words to books. I am including a few of the many Maisy books here

I forgot to mention that the Maisy books are available in Spanish, which is great for parents raising their children bilingually. I included one here.

Thanks for the review. I have heard of them but never bought or read any of them.


another great reveiw,i ordered Chloe some Maisy books. :slight_smile:

You sound like you might be a book lover too, Skinnykim :slight_smile:


I am!!! I have so many books myself. I want Chloe to have same passion as I do for books. :smiley:

I am sure you will accomplish that. I love books! I joke around sometimes about it because I can pass up clothes, shoes and all that but I have a hard time passing by books and not looking at them. I scope out books that other people are reading and we order books from our library all the time. They must deliver books to my door 3 days a week. I have 6 kids and they all love books as much as I do. They read like crazy and although the oldest is 14 and the youngest 2, we still love to read a book together a loud. We sit around the table and read a chapter book together. I have some favorite chapter books as well. My only regret is that I can’t read more. If I didn’t have to work I would probably spend 2-3 hours a day reading to my kids. There is nothing better than reading a great book together.

Sometimes I wish my 14 year old didn’t like to read so much. She can disappear for hours at a time and get lost in a book.

I have a pile of books next to my desk to add to my blog. Check back often for more book reviews.

I agree, I have 3 Maisy books and my toddler loves them and he learns to read simple sentences from them. Also I would suggest books about Spot by Eric Hill. They have short sentences on each page, big and bold size following by a big illustration.

Thank you Krista G for introducing me to the Maisy books. Two months ago, we had never heard of them, but now, they’re my toddler’s all time favorite books! They are the first things she reaches for when she wakes up from nap and the last thing she reads at bedtime. I just bought a second set of them! Thanks for the review! :smiley:

Glad to know that you are enjoying them. I really like them because they are simple. There are a lot of them too, which is nice. It is wonderful to have a forum where we can learn so much from each other. :slight_smile: