First B-day!!

Hi there! I just wanted to ask you a few ideas for celebrating my little one’s 1st b-day!
We have a little, little budget but we still want to celebrate it with some family and friends, any ideas? decoration?
I don’t know what will he enjoy… my sister had for her little one a jumping castle… do you think this is a good idea?


Here is another thread with many ideas for you.

I personally wouldn’t get a jump castle for a 1 year old’s b-day unless there were going to be a lot of older kids there. A one year old should not play in a jump castle; he could easily get hurt. So it wouldn’t be for your son, it would be for the other children. I would rather spend that money for something that my child would enjoy, since it’s for his birthday.

a good website for parties is is also good

Hello Anyta! You can check some websites for the concepts you think that well interest your baby… but doing it personally could cut the expenses… my 14month old baby boy celebrated his 1st bday last novemeber, i want to have a big birthday bash on a minimal budget… so what i did, i surf the net for ideas and i put into action, i made the lootbags, party hats, banners, bandits, name tags, penata and other accessories. if you have familys and friends who are artistics that could help you putting all the pieces, then it will be easier. Ask familys and close friends to provide for other items such as cakes, balloons, mascot appearance, and others, this will serve as there gifts…

There also checklist available online… and all for free…

Do remember to chose a cozy place far from possible accidents… it should be full of color… Added to that find someone who could host the program with enthusiasm…

Hope it could help you… Good Luck!

Go to party max great prices

It’s always more economical to take a weekend vacation than to have a birthday party

Thank you for all the ideas! Luckily I have a hole month to plan this!
I would love to use party max but we live it Argentina! I gues I would have to surf the net a little bit more and try to find things near here…
I was also thinking that I want to make cupcakes instead of a cake… any goo recipes? May I bake them in advance and freeze them? I love cooking but I don’t have much experience?
What other things could I make for eating?


I prepared my sons bday for a month… just list all the things you need and you can do it for a month…

we have cupcake on my sons bday and kids love it… my sons concept is riding with the backyardigans, he was on a cowboy costume and i choose a place like a tavern (",)… my problem that time was the backyardigans is not famous yet and i cant buy anything with backyrdigan designs… what i did i print the characters on the net and cut out colored papers to make a lootbag… my sister and i made some backyardigan stuff toys and i printed out characters to paste on the banners. the backyardigan website was very helpful to me and its all for free… i asked my brother in law to make me a invitation since he is a graphic artist. my sister made a 3 feet tall characters of backyardigans for additional design. the cakes was baked by my younger sister all 5 characters. try to visit my friendster account i post some pix of my sons bday:

Put some flaglets on the cupcake with printouts of the character your little one loves… cookies are nice too…

do you have a concept in mind? you need to start here… and everything flows…