Fengshui for helping kids develop in a positive way.

Hello eveybody

I have found this article helpful and thought of sharing it.

How to help your children grow and develop in a positive way and enhance family harmony.

There are no bad children, only bad behavior. Our environment affects our behavior. We know what to expect if we give our kids a lot of sugar or caffeine. They will bounce off the walls. We know what to expect if the temperature in the house is 90 degrees on a summer day. Tempers will easily flare. These are normal responses to negative stimulation that most parents know about. But what most parents don’t know is that there is negative stimulation in the home that affects their child‘s behavior, their health and even their grades. This negative stimulation is invisible, however, it can be easily remedied using a combination of ancient Chinese wisdom and modern day science. Applying the practical techniques of Feng Shui and holistic living to your home will help you create a balanced environment. This will help your child grow and develop in a positive way and enhance family harmony.

Sleeping Direction
We spend the most amount of time in one spot every day in our bed, so the sleeping direction is very important. The goal is to align the child’s bed so that the top or crown of the head is pointed towards one of their good compass directions . If your child’s bed is pointed in one of their negative compass directions, it can throw their life out of balance. They won’t be feeling as well as they should and they may express this with negative behavior. They may have trouble sleeping, difficulty accomplishing things, and can even have problems with others treating them badly or “bullying” them. Pointing their bed in their “wisdom” direction can help your child get better grades and improve their attitude about school. The “marriage and family harmony” direction will help decrease fighting and arguing in the household and help your child sleep better. Be sure to use a compass to determine actual compass directions in your home. (Related article: Positive Sleeping Directions for Couples)

Dark Bedrooms Are Healthier
Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep and mood. Melatonin is produced by the body at night, in the dark. Light makes the body think its daytime. If a light, night light, tv or computer monitor is on while your child sleeps, their body won’t produce the natural amount of melatonin. This can create sleep disorders, depression, and/or anger and moodiness. Are you getting enough dark?

Exposure to EMFs
EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are harsh energies emitted by electronic devices. They also decrease the body’s production of melatonin. Arrange furniture so that your child’s body is 2 feet away from computer towers, CRT computer monitors, and power strips. Keep them an adult arm span away from TVs. Never use an electric blanket or waterbed heater and don’t let them stare into the microwave waiting for the popcorn! Stay 5 feet away while it‘s on.

Bedrooms should be “yin” or quiet. Things that can create “yang” energy in a bedroom are aquariums or fountains, live plants, and light during sleeping hours. Mirrors in the bedroom keep the room “awake” and can make it harder to sleep.

Negative Flying Stars
If you do not know the flying star energy patterns in your home, you can at least keep up with the annual stars that shift each February 4th. In 2008, the 5 Yellow star known for illness and accidents is in the south compass section of every building and the 2 Black star known for illness is in the northwest. If your child’s bedroom is in the south or northwest, this can translate into more visits to the doctor, more frequent health issues or health problems not responding normally to treatment. The 3 star which is known for arguments is in the west. If your child’s bedroom is in the west, they may be fussier or get into more arguments in 2008. In 2009, the 5 star moves to the north, the 2 moves to the west, and the 3 moves to the northeast.

What the Child’s Eye Sees:
Look at what your child sees every day. A happy family photo visible from the child’s bed is comforting to see before they fall asleep and when they awaken. It reminds them they are part of a happy family when they are alone in their room. Posters of kittens, puppies and favorite cartoon characters are non-threatening and comforting for the little ones. Get to know the meaning behind the images in your teenager’s room and keep the cool “negatives” to a minimum.

Cleaning up after a small child is like shoveling the sidewalk while it’s snowing. What’s the point! But children do need a place to store their stuff to keep clutter under control. If a child’s bedroom is also their study room, they won’t be able to focus in a lot of clutter because clutter is “eye noise”. Children should frequently clear out the space under their beds, which tends to become a catchall for trash and treasures and creates “stuck” energy. Need some help with your clutter? Check out Clutter Queen Boot Camp

Furniture Placement:
The bed should have its headboard against a solid wall. Make sure there is room to walk around each side of the bed - don’t push one side up against the wall. Avoid placing the bed under a window or directly in line with the door. Standing in the doorway, if you can toss a ball straight ahead and hit the bed, energy flowing into the room will also hit the bed and this is not good for the child. What’s behind your bed?

Your child’s sleeping habits will let you know whether their room is comfortable. If you keep finding your child in bed with you, then their room is not working for them. Avoid using energizing colors like red and other bold, bright colors in the bedroom as they can cause tempers to flare during playtime and too much hyperactive energy for the little one to fall asleep at night. Bright colors are good for playrooms but bedrooms need to be more subdued. Pastels are best.

Creating a comfortable, harmonious bedroom makes for a good night’s rest. And a good night’s rest makes for a refreshed, healthy child.

thanks for sharing :biggrin:

How do you determine the negative compass direction??

Does this apply to babies too?

Thanks zaku and RP98.

I have found this article on fengshui for babies, which says fengshui for adults is applicable for babies too. I am also attaching a document that gives your best fengshui compass directions. Hope its helpful.

Getting ready for your new baby requires a lot of planning, and feng shui can help you start with a very good foundation for your baby’s room preparations. You will need a healthy, balanced feng shui room that will grow with your child and fill her with inspiration, excitement and wonder.

A good flow of feng shui energy in the baby’s room will inevitably lead to a happier, healthier child, while a baby’s room with a poor feng shui energy flow will contribute to a baby who can’t sleep well and tends to get sick often.

When it comes to a good feng shui nursery, be guided by your senses. Think of the nursery as a special retreat for relaxation and bonding with your little one, and let it delight all five senses. Good feng shui always feels good, so start making your choices by trusting your body’s responses to the environment you are creating for your baby.

Create a harmony of soft feng shui colors in the nursery. Look beyond the traditional pink or blue and choose the colors you really like, colors that comfort and soothe you.

Have different sources of light in the nursery to be used at different times of day and night; this will contribute to a balanced feng shui energy.

Keep your baby’s bed away from the door and limit the electrical appliances close to the crib. The general feng shui guidelines for an adult bed will apply for your baby’s bed, too - you do not want the crib too close to the door or in line with it; in the middle of the room with no support, or under the window.

Use natural materials whenever possible for baby’s bedding, nursery curtains, flooring, rugs, furniture and toys. Choose wood over plastic.

Treat your baby’s sense of smell with respect; open windows daily for good ventilation and enjoy the scent of gentle essential oils, such as chamomile, rose, vanilla and lavender.
Creating a good feng shui room for your baby is more than just decorating the space right. Creating a good feng shui nursery is about expressing your unconditional love, care and adoration for your baby, as well as reassurance of support throughout the life you will be sharing together.

Wow! Very interesting! :wub: Thank you for sharing. This was our conversation theme at work today :laugh: Karma to you!

just FYI for anyone thinking about Feng Shui, there are a couple of different techniques used, CLassical Feng Shui which is the oldest and most complicated, and Black Hat sect which was invented last century. M ost Classical Feng Shui practitioners, (which I am) are wary of the newer systems that don’t really on the I ching, time and date of birth and don’t customize each consulation to each person. The newer systems can be identified by there use of the bagua. For more information The Idiots Guide to Classical Feng Shui is a great book. www.qi-whiz.com, www.astro-fengshui.com and my blog at healyourhome.blogspot.com are other good sources of information. By the way my blog is still under construction and will HOPEFULLY be done by the end of the week.


M ost Classical Feng Shui practitioners, (which I am) are wary of the newer systems that don’t really on the I ching, time and date of birth and don’t customize each consulation to each person. The newer systems can be identified by there use of the bagua.

OK so I had mommy brain when I wrote this part, my two year old wanted my attention but now he’s sleeping.
Classical Feng shui uses the I Ching, the Five elements of Chinese medicine, and a compass to determine which way your house faces and in what area each of the rooms are located. Your date of birth is used to determine your best directions which are then used to decided which is the best way for your home to face, what your sleeping direction is and where to place those water fountains to attract prosperity in your home. The Other newer systems use a one size fits all strategy where everyone’s welath areas, love areas ect. are all located in the same parts of the home. For example saying that your wealth area is in the left hand corner of the house may be true for some people but for others that particular area may be a disater area and it would be undesirable any thing realated to money in that are. Again a Classical Feng Shui consultant would take the time to ensure everything is where it needs to be.