Febrile Seizures

Need help!!!

My baby started having febrile seizure by the first time when she was 8 months and now she’s 10. In the beginning we didn’t know what was happening and we did not do anything in according to a treatment, but 15 days ago she had another crisis and we are convicted that it is febrile seizure, then, I would like to know what are your experiences in this case, if there is a treatment that I can do and if it is possible that it stops happening before she will be 4y. If anyone knows a source or an institution which is specialist in researching about this topic where I can look for help I will be thankful.

My now, 8.5 year old had several febrile seizures as a baby. We were told that febrile seizures do not cause any long term effects, but I have to admit, that I did not sleep any time she was sick or had the slightest fever for years.

Has it been diagnosed as a febrile seizure (caused by a sudden spiking or high fever) for sure? If not, I would insist on testing to be sure. Hopefully she will outgrow it - my daughter did & is now a healthy & happy 8.5 year old.

As a parent, febrile seizures look very scary, but are not supposed to be harmful.


Dear Kmum,

Thanks for sharing your experience. And I must confess that I also get without sleeping and checking all time if she is ok or not in according to the temperature. I´d like to know if you used medicines or not. Because even I know it is not harmful I don´t want to see her having seizures it´s very difficult! what´s your point of view? Thanks once more.


Our daughter started out with febrile seizures. If you are concerned, check out www.dravet.org . Many of the kids start with febrile seizures before the age of 1. It is critical to get on the correct meds. We were told that Melorah would out grown them by 2… blah, blah, blah By 12 months, she started losing skills and having more seizures. It took years but was finally diagnosed with Dravet Syndrome (she is now 11 years old, so Dravet syndrome was not was well known in the US at that time).

All that being said, hopefully your daughter’s seizures are “just” febrile and she will outgrow them. Any type of seizures are scary, especially when it is your baby! Don’t hesitate to question and ask the doctor questions. Remember, you are paying them and THEY are the one providing a service that YOU are paying for … it took me years to get that through my head. :slight_smile: