Fav. Book

Other than the Doman books, what has been the most influential book/author to your parenting?

What has been the worst parenting book you have read?

My favourite author is Alfie Kohn. His ideas of parenting and schooling are challenging.

The worst book was the Baby Whisperer - I can’t recall the author, but all copies of this book should be burnt.

What do you mean, love? lol

I, too, had a hard time getting through Baby Whisperer - but I did…I frankly can’t remember if I got anything stellar out of it, but the love this and love that thing made me CRAZY!


I loved The Homework Myth by Alfie Kohn. It gave me the confidence to stop my son’s homework last year when I decided it was unproductive. It’s an interesting balance that I keep between some views that most people would think are completely divergent. I think learning should be joyful and is best when self-motivated. Kids should not be drilled, over-scheduled and tested to death, so somehow I make cohesive blend. It’s interesting to able to able to hang with both unschoolers and very early education folks and feel a commonality.
