How many times is a good number to repeat one “card” (or multiple photos representing the same concept as in LR) when fast flashing?
I see lots of results with my child when I go slow. For example, I do lots of EK facts, where I’ll show him a set of 45 cards, first reading the fact, then looking and discussing a picture related to the fact. We’ll view a new card 6 times, then abandon it for a week, review for 2 days, then abandon for 2 weeks, review once, abandon for 4 weeks, review once, abandon for 2 months etc. This system works fantastically, I’ve been following it for 3 months and my son have learnt loads in the last 3 months and is enjoying it very much.
Fast flashing (for example LR’s picture flash), I’ve tried the same formula as I do when teaching EK facts, but I never really see the same kind of results. My son knows all the LR course pictures (refuses to read any of the words but that’s a different story) but off course we did them fast and slow (multimedia section of the LR courses.)
In other words, if I were to flash pictures FAST for many many days (and he watches in a very focused way,) I don’t see any results; but if we take our time on the same set (once a day), he’ll know them in less than a week’s time.
I’ve done lots of fast flashing from when he was 8 months old, (LR, LM, slideshows etc) so what’s up? Sometimes it feels to me his right brain knows a lot of stuff (and can read very well) but he cannot access those abilities or information at will. I’ve got a feeling that fast flash is working, just nothing that I can say I’m sure it works. And that leaves me wondering, if he is learning without me seeing it, how long (how many repeats) does it take.
Anyhow, enough about me and my son.
What would you say is a good number of repeats on a card when fast flashing?