Fantasy friend

This is just to share with all of my forum’s friend that i am going through the Tony Buzan’s Brain Child book.And in that he has covered one topic called Fantasy Friend.He sayz that it’s alwayz good to encourage your child for fantasy friend may it be friend or cartoon character ,pets anything.He says encouraging your child to fantsy friend will excerise your chil’d multiple dimensions imagination.It will provide your child with virtual character and that virtual character will help your child in real life situations.Not only that it will act your child’s companion.It will provide real companionship to ur child.which will train your child happily to be alone with his own thoughts,and developing creative intelligence and intra personal intelligence and also they boost confidence.
Even i have taken a tweedle wink course and they also sayz that ask ur child to think 3 dimensionally.So it’s good kind of excercise.


Maybe that goes to promote the prayer/talking to God aspect people of many different faiths encourage, and belief in protection of angels. So A child will never feel alone, but always have someone invisible to turn to in times of need.

Yes, imaginative play is extremely important for a child, and we should encourage it as much as possible.

Every night after reading to Felicity, we always do an ‘imagination’ game where we get her to imagine herself in a story, and then she falls asleep.

KL can you explain when did Felicity started imagination.i mean at what age? How to get our child into this imagination??Cn u explain in more detail pls…

You can start at any age where your child can understand what you are saying!

Just say, “Now close your eyes. Imagine you are walking on the beach. Can you hear the ocean waves? Can you feel the wind blowing against you? Look up - see all the birds flying up there?” etc. etc. You can also ask them to describe what they see, eg., “How many birds do you see flying up there? Are there any other children on the beach? What are they doing?” etc.

Felicity nowadays tells us specifically what type of story she wants to imagine and for us to tell her. Recently, it’s along the lines of, “I want to imagine myself on the beach, and being eaten by a crocodile, and a handsome prince comes to rescue me!” Seriously!


lol lol lol
That’s too cute!