Family Language Learning: Learn Another Language, Raise Bilingual Children

Good Afternoon All,

Excellent book!

Family Language Learning
Learn Another Language, Raise Bilingual Children
Author: Christine Jernigan

Hello Ayesha,

I have an important question, I was wondering if I want to teach my child (10 months old) to read more than one language using the flash card method should I show her the word in English for example then the same word in Arabic then the picture of this word at the same time in the same session also for the same category? Or should I just show her the cards for each language separately followed by the picture of the word?

And if I will teach her two languages at the same time is it OK to do it in the same day in different sessions or I have to keep some days or weeks for a specific language and other weeks for the other language?

I am totally confused and don’t know what to do. I really want her to learn English and Arabic fluently.

Please help, what should I do?

Thanks in advance.

I also have such situation with my niece. My sister has moved with her husband to Germany and when their little girl was growing they had that issue with teaching both languages at the same time, but it was too complicated for the little girl to learn two languages at once and she got confused every time she was speaking and was telling one word in english and another in german. So I would say that child should be thought one language for now and later on another.
Rick from .