Facebook page

Kiwimum suggested that we start a Facebook page where we can share little tidbits of information, and hopefully be a little more visible, in hopes of converting a few more people to early learning. Feel free to join!


Naturally it could never replace this forum, but hopefully it will steer a few more people this way.

Personally I like the forum more for bigger things, and Facebook more for little things like "My 2-year-old sounded out his first word yesterday. It was Standard. :biggrin: ". True story, but I wouldn’t start a thread here for it.

Great idea.

I am not even a member of the group but when I look at the people in the group I can see all their photos, who their friends are etc. Is there a way to make that private? Would like to join.

To be a member means you can write and post on the page and get sent notifications when some posts something cool.
Becoming a member wont expose any more of your page/life than you already allow it to. Check your facebook Privacy settings to see how much you choose to share.
Its best to just have everything on “friends setting” I think

Kiwimum is right about changing privacy settings. I did make the group public on purpose as part of the idea behind having a Facebook page was for “proselytizing” early learning. Right? If more people would like it to be a private group, we can change that.

Wonderful idea!

Thanks, I think my privacy settings are private. I think it is great that the group is public I just didn’t want to have my stuff public. I didn’t think joining a group would change it but I was surprised to see so much of everyone’s stuff so I started to wonder.

Facebook does keep changing their rules on privacy, so it does pay to check now and again i think

Speaking of Facebook, BrillKids does have a fan page you can “like”, if you haven’t already. http://www.facebook.com/BrillKids

I’m excited about the new Facebook group. It’s already a happening place!