face washing and wiping the nose

ok so i was with my friend whom is also a mom, my little one had a messy face so i went to wipe it off i have no trouble doing so my little one seems to enjoy it she is only 7 months but my friend was amazed and even stated that it was weired for her to to scream and fight me, i’ve never had any trouble with her, does any one else think that it is weired

Some kids don’t mind, while others have a problem with it. My son didn’t used to mind so much, but now he fusses every time I have to wipe his face.

Hi there baby_firefly,

I think I must just say that I’ve seen a great differnce between how girls and boys react to having their faces and noses wiped! We have a friend with a little girl and like your little one, she isn’t at all fazed with cleaning up. My son and I have seen other little boy totally detest it!!! lol Always a mission to have them looking at least a bit presentable. However, I have noticed that as they get older you can reason a bit and get them to clean themselves even. The nose is the hardest and if they have a cold it is understandable as it’s quite sore. Our clinic suggested wiping their nose with wet cotton wool as the water helps to soften and get it clean quicker.


I don’t think it is a boy - girl thing because my girls hate having their noses wiped. My 5 yo is better now that she can do it herself though. I try to make a game of it & sometimes that helps a little.

Marcia loves washing her face but when it’s time to wipe her nose it is like a little fight,I bought a kind of vaccum bulb but it’s the same I try to use it when she’s falling asleep but ven in that time it’s difficult

My kids hate wiping their faces and especially having their noses cleaned. I try to be really gentle, but its always a struggle.

I think its natural, just make sure you use something gentle.

as i read your post what runs in to my mind is, your friend was amazed not to the fact that your baby doesnt like cleaning his nose, i think she is much amazed on how strong was your babys reaction on what you are doing… maybe she have encountered babies with same age as yours who doesnt even react on such occasion… dont feel weird with your babys reaction if you think its not normal on his age to strongly react that way… then i could say that your baby is hyper-active at his age which means he is advanced…

i know you could even conclude with my statement… you have a brilliant little one! And you must thank God for that…

Good day!(",)

This week i had a little problem as he got his nose bloked because of the flu .I amanged with some cleanser on a cotton wool. lol :wink:

Koen doesn’t mind getting his face wiped clean of food, but with his first stuffy nose this week it was a real challenge. There was snot all over his face :ohmy: from using his hands to rub his nose and everytime I tried to clean it there were big tears. In the end I gave him the wet face cloth to hold and suck on while I grab a spare corner of it to clean the nose. This worked most of the time and kept his hands busy.

lol lol lol lol Been there done that! Sive is nearly 19 months old and we stil have a mini war as many times in the day that the face or nose needs wiping! lol

lol lol lol lol

Sophia is the same she hates having her faced wipe or her nose cleaned. Has hated it from the time she was born.

I just think its a baby thing.

Same thing with me.In the beginning my son was ok with it but now as he getting older he refuses to get his face washed or his nose cleaned it becomes worse if he get cold n running nose.I have run behind him to wipe it. :yes: :

Ishan is a good boy… he hates it if his face is dirty. immediately after finishing his food I should wash & then wipe his face or else he’ll find something & wipe his face himself… lol
oh!! cleaning of nose is one big problem especially when he has cold…

My 15yo usually hates getting his nose wiped. But if I put the tissue box in front of him and let him put it up to his nose and pretend to blow, he’ll let me wipe. He likes to think he is a big boy and can do it himself. Now I don’t know if he would have done that at 7mo of age.

Getting his diaper changed is a nightmare too!

Poor sick babies. Offer lots of fluids, run a humidifier at night. If they’ll let you, use saline spray in the nose to clear the airways.


I’m using frida to clean my sons nos, works great. You can read about it here

Kaietan lets me clean his nose and fusses less if I tell him what I’m going to do and afterwards I always show him what came out (sorry I know this is grose lol ) and that now he’ll breath easier. Since I started doing this he fights me less

My 14 months old baby girls know that every time after eating we need to clean her face(wash it or wipe it) and brush her teeth, I will take her to the bathroom and she will oint to the sink…meaning washing face time and once we are done washing her face she will point to her toothbrush meaning it is time to brush her tooth.
I never had a problem with this, but she doesn’t like me to clean her nose,sometime I have to use books to distract her attention and she won’t mind, while daddy is showing her books I have to hurry and clean her nose!! LOL…that’s a funny time!!

But I think you have to teach them since they are very little there is a cleaning face time…and they will get use to it…it makes it easier.
good luck