Fabulous book for older children!

I came across the most incredible maths book during my latest charity-shop raid - it is called How Maths Works by Carol Vorderman, a Dorling Kindersly book. I am assuming there will be an american edition somewhere… anyhow, it is jam packed full of cool experiments and ways of introducing maths in a fun and practical way for children, probably could be worked out for 2-3 year olds with a little thought, though 4-5 is probably the minimum age they’re aiming at.

I can see myself using it as a base curriculum for maths - it is really thorough but full of fun things to make and do (using household things - not expensive equiptment!)

I’d highly recommend it :smiley:

I check the content on Amazon and it really seems good. But they recomend it for 8-14 yrs. I think we have to wait for our kids to be at least 6 to start seriously with it. Maybe there are some ‘simple’ experimientos or exercises that can be work with 3-5 yrs old. If so, we appreciate you can share with us. The review seems very good, especially the about renaming the book:
How Math Works" could be subtitled “How to keep your kids occupied for many hours this summer in a productive, educational, and fun way.” Instead, the subtitle is “100 ways parents and kids can share the wonders of mathematics.” Close. Either one will work.
end quote

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The content make me think of another topic about algebra and arithmetic. I will post it for everyone to share they opinion or experience.
Thanks for taking us to know that book.

A lot of the experiments are things that you could easily simplify or demonstrate for older toddlers. I think they assume that fractions, simple algebra etc. are too complex for under 8 :rolleyes: There are lots of great ideas for how to practically demonstrate different aspects of maths and i believe it can be selectively used for quite young children and experiments repeated with less simplifcation as the child matures. Although, yes, some things couldn’t really be done until 6 or so. I still love it :slight_smile:

I enjoy doing frantions with my 3 yr grandson especilly when sharing cookies or cakes. :yes: :yes:
Deifnitely some con be simplified.
It would be nice if those that have that book share some. Good for you