I would like to ask you guys .If exposure is good for a child.
or in should keep check on what is been communicated to child and
how he/she s taking them.Like watching TV .Like he always celebrates a cartoon channel over news channel.
In todays scenario when cartoons are depicting voilance ,anger hatered and many bad things.Parents should always be cautious.
Not only TV , infact family resistances and many more social places
we should keep a close watch.
Feed them violence, anger, hatred and many bad things is like planting those seeds. One shouldn’t be surprised that’s what will come up. We reap what we sow.
I’m amazed by some of my family members who turn the TV on to Cartoon Network and leave it on all day to “entertain” their children.
There are some terrible shows on television, and we really need to be cautious about what we allow our children to see. Garbage in, garbage out.
I don’t let my child watch any live media because I don’t want him exposed to commercials at this age. He doesn’t yet understand that it’s not part of the show, and I would hate to think of a company reaching my 2 yr old, convincing him that he needs sugar-cereal-O’s or whatnot.
This is very frustrating for me as dh is not as careful as I am. He likes to turn the TV on when he wakes up in the am. I turn it off as soon as he leaves, but he turns it on again when he gets home! Otherwise I monitor carefully what the kids watch.
I’m a firm believer in keeping a careful watch on what my daughter is exposed to, but do believe that there are limits even for this. Meaning that I think you can’t protect your children forever and I think the more you restrict a child, the more likely a situation could get out of control when they do get access to that which you’ve tried so hard to keep from them. I think curiosity coupled with uncertainty on how to handle something can end up with potentially hazardous consequences! For example, as a child my mom never wanted us to have sweets… so on my way to school every day I would stop at the store and buy candy with my lunch money. She also didn’t want us to watch the Simpsons or Married With Children, no matter how old we became. So what did we do? We took every chance we got to watch those shows… even though we didn’t even really like them… just because we could. I’m not saying that means that one should allow their child access to anything and everything just because they might eventually want it. Not at all. I am saying that things can go to far and I think education and guidance that leads to proper choices trump total restriction and limits any day. Of course, I don’t think this applies to really young ones who don’t have the capacity to process things yet. My daughter does not watch TV, and has a limited exposure to videos and media. I am a new mom though, so I try to keep an open mind. I can only hope that I’m doing the right thing.
i think you definatly need to keep watch and make sure they aren’t over exposed to violence and that but if they witness something you should always explain what it is and why it is wrong and that they should never be violent otherwise they become confused and will do it in order to figure out your reaction like is it good or bad.
My mother always limited the amount of TV I could watch when I was a young, and I think that my brother and I turned out the better for it! We read a lot (I still read as often as I can, so it seems to have a had a lasting effect), played outside a lot, and made up a lot of games. A little TV here and there isn’t bad for kids - as long as you monitor what they’re watching, of course - but for the most part, I agree with others on this forum that it can certainly be a bad influence when TV-watching goes unchecked!
Sometimes, even the ‘educational’ programs seem like 30-minute product pitches or commercials. Anyone else ever think so?