

I recently downloaded the trial version of Little Reader to see how my 4 month old daughter, Abigail, who has T21, would respond to it. After using it for a few days I am amazed at how attentive she is. She sits on my lap, watching everything with a big smile on her face. She even makes some sounds of excitement at times.

What results should I expect to see if I continue on the program. What has your experience been?


You should expect to be amazed! :yes:

We started a little bit later, but still well under one year of age. She was reading words just after her first birthday & by age 3.5 years, she was reading simple, commercial print stories. She was recently evaluated at a 4th grade reading level.

We started with home made flashcards & switched to mainly Little Reader flashcards by about 15 months of age. We mainly stuck with fast flashing printed, laminated flashcards until fairly recently because dd seemed to learn best that way, but have finally switched to using it as a computer program.

Check out my blog in my siggy for more information & videos of my daughter if you are interested.

I am already amazed by what I am seeing in my 10.5mo dd with ds! I downloaded the BK app to my iPad and we have used it for 6 days, twice a day. We had started using Baby Signing Time a few weeks before, and she began signing “horse” (a word common to both programs) the first time we did BK!

On day four, she started clapping. We had been working on clapping prior to this, but I believe the word and picture flash reinforcement sped her progress. Today, she clapped when both the word clap and picture for clap appeared on the screen!

I can’t substantiate this next connection, but since we have been doing BK, she has been signing much more and has developed consistent sounds that she uses to communicate particular needs. It’s as if she has a new awareness of her power to communicate.

I’m excited to see her progress!

Just an update: today, she clapped when the word “clap” appeared and waved when the word “wave” was shown! I’m so amazed to witness her comprehension!

Now I’m starting to get panicky that I didn’t start sooner. My daughter will be 13 months this week. We definitely need to get started!

To Lovemy3,
I hope you will be gentle with yourself, breathe, and feel that everything happens in its own right timing! Doing your best is your best, and your child is at a great age to start!

Rimom11, congratulations! Thank you for sharing this!

And, Lovemy3, there is no reason to worry, you are in a perfect time :yes: Just giving your baby opportunities to learn is a great start, there is no set timing to start that! If you start now, you are probably way ahead most of the people you will meet! :slight_smile: And don’t hesitate to share your progress and ask the questions – there are lots of parents on this forum who have excellent advise and ideas!

Thank you!!!