Excellent songs to teach with

The ABC song is certainly a very good way to teach.
I saw in another thread someone mention a good song to teach states and capitals and looking for good songs to teach math.

Please post your songs and links because songs are an excellent way to teach.

Here is a song to teach the United States and their Capitals


Teaching Presidents:

Geography Lesson:


Any other good songs for teaching?

Here is one to teach the days of the week (sung to Adams Family tune).

There’s Sunday and there’s Monday,
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday
And then there’s Saturday.
Days of the Week (clap clap)
Days of the Week (clap clap)
Days of the week, days of the week, days of the week (clap clap)

It would be nice if someone could sing would make this category.

Here is one for teaching planets except Pluto is no longer a planet so it might need some work.
Sung to (Ants go Marching)

The Planets revolve around the sun…hurrah, hurrah

The Planets revolve around the sun…hurrah, hurrah

The Planets revolve around the sun, they spin on their axis everyone

And they all go spinning…around and around they go

Mercury, Venus,Earth and Mars…hurrah, hurrah Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars…hurrah, hurrah

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars all whirling and twirling among the stars

And they all go spinning, around, and around they go

Jupiter and Saturn are next in line…hurrah, hurrah Jupiter and Saturn are next in line…hurrah, hurrah

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto makes nine

And they all go spinning around, and around they go Boom, boom, BOOM!

I like Peter Weatherall

Here’s my favourite…


50 states that rhyme


(I have actually been learning my US states and capitals due to these songs!!! And playing games online to learn them to test myself…with the songs echoing in my ears…).

there is kidsongs and wheels on the bus song.the site is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hQx9UwFpoQ

These are Great, the only thing that I was sad is that in the Geography lesson he does not point out South Africa, and being a South African, that is kinda important :frowning:

Your right he does not mention South Africa, sorry. Make us a presentation on South Africa then we shall be sure to include your country :).

I think there’s quite a few countries not mentioned, as it’s an old somg and some countries werent invented then, like Vanuatu…

here is one for the brain:


Something that made me chuckle - I stumbled across the Peter Weatherall videos on youtube the other day (there’s a video above) and I started playing the Polygon song for my son. We only watched about 3/4 of it. He’s almost 2 1/2. I went on to other videos and didn’t think twice about it.

The next day he’s coloring, points to his paper at his scribbles and says “Look mom, its a octagon!” (I’m very surprised to say the least, since I’ve never taught him other shapes besides basic ones)

It is just too cute coming out of such a small person.

What is funny to me is that geometry and geometrical shapes are something I’ve never thought of teaching him because they aren’t MY favorite, but apparently he loves it.

So now get this, when he wants to sing the polygon song, he calls it the “square” song only he says “Square” with a british accent because thats how they say it in the video. Any other time he uses the word square he says it with an American accent. funny right?

He is growing up bilingual so I dont know if that makes his ear more tuned to different sounds in languages or if any kids would do that too.

baby Einstein series.babies r enjoying that and signing time songs lot of baby Einstein videos r available http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHyaC12z-iQ, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEki-H8K-s8

Hey have you guys looked at the Learning through Music by Hestia? It’s wonderful. Lol I find even I’m singing along and remembering lots of facts. My son learned his days of the week with it too

This one is about Japanese calender.

this one is about 4 season.

I second Waterdreamer’s recommendation of Hestia’s music. However, her voice is not my husband’s favourite to put it nicely (we only play it when he’s not home), but the lyrics are quite educational. My 22 mo old loves it.

That is cute!!! Well I believe it was Nikita who posted here about Peter Weaterall Thanks Nikita!) - his dvds are Great and very affordable, I went to his website and was happily surprised with the content and ordered 3 sets (2 science and 1 math) -

One set includes 2 DVDs and 2CDs for $10 including shipping!! it is unbeatable !! The author loves teaching and his charge is basically to cover expenses (shipping and cds) worth looking into.

I will post my review as soon as I get them. This is one of the sets I ordered.

from the Simple Science DVD 1. Stars 2. Light 3. Electricity 4. Magnetism 5. Atoms
6. States of Matter 7. The Solar System 8. The Earth 9. Air 10. Metals
11. Water 12. Insects 13. DNA 14. Mammals 15. Photosynthesis

audio sample from the Simple Science CD 1. Stars 2. Light 3. Electricity 4. Magnetism 5. Atoms
6. States of Matter 7. The Solar System 8. The Earth 9. Air 10. Metals
11. Water 12. Insects 13. DNA 14. Mammals 15. Photosynthesis

Bonus Periodic Table Music Video included on the DVD


Hi Guys

Thank you for all the great links, these will be of great help!! :smiley:
