There is an e-book by Pamela Hickein written back when her company was the “Soul Learning Company” called Prenatal Learning or something like that. It was hosted on a website for free and now it is no longer there. It talked about bonding in utero. This is SO vague I know, sorry. Pamela also has some meditations on YouTube for this very thing, both RBK and Shichida start their classes while bub is still in the belly!
You can also check out the prenatal books noted on BrillBaby. All of our stuff is in storage, but off hand I remember reading “Your Prenatal Classroom” and “Learning Before Birth,” there may have been a few others. If I think of any others I will let you know.
I found the site but it no longer works. I think a long time ago I tried to contact them for someone else without luck, maybe you can try again or email Pamela/RBK and see if you get a response.
Free to download: Soul Bonding During Pregnancy
A valuable resource has been donated to this website for free downloading! Soul Bonding During Pregnancy is just twenty-five pages long, but it can open the door to a new experience of pregnancy. It is the result of the collaboration of two women, Pamela Hickein and Bridget Luise Esswein, each of them expert in a different form of prenatal education. (To learn about Pamela’s ongoing work in this field, visit The Whole Child Institute.) As explained in the Introduction: “To Bridget, a midwife from Germany, prenatal education meant natural childbirth preparation classes – helping parents with the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental transition into parenthood. For Pamela, prenatal education encompassed something a little different – a Japanese prenatal infant learning program taught to babies via the mother through intuitive right-brain communication.”
In a reassuring and loving style, you are guided through twelve “Exercises for intuitive, creative right-brain communication.” Each one is an inspired adventure in connecting with the unborn child. Here is a small portion of the exercise titled “A New World”:
Choose a sound which is a part of daily life, for example, the vacuum cleaner or blender. Connect with the baby. Send him your love and attention. Say, “I’m turning the vacuum cleaner on now.” Send him the image of its shape and sound. Breathe calmly and tell him in words or thoughts, “Close your ears. You do not need to let in the sound.” You can even image a blue light around you, the womb and the baby’s ears. While vacuuming you can frequently stop and pat your tummy, and tell him that everything is okay.
The authors of Soul Bonding During Pregnancy (which is no longer available in print) have generously made it available for free downloading. It is a 3.26 Megabyte Acrobat file. Here is the link: Soul Bonding During Pregnancy
Double click to download for viewing or printing out, or Right-click and choose “save target as” if you wish to save the file to your own computer. Thank you Pamela and Bridget! (I emailed them and it works now! hope that helps)