Enviromental Sounds

Hi There,
My son is in an ABA program to help treat his mild autism. Right now is consultant is totally supporting my quest to help teach Wesley to read. He’s providing me with programs and such which are not usually given to children my sons age and he is flying trough them. Right now I got a program for him to help desensitize him to some basic sounds that scare him. I was wondering where you guys find enviromental sounds you use in your powerpoint/LR slide shows. This sounds could be useful for the cd I have to create for this program/
Thank-you :slight_smile:

I normally just do a google search for free _____ wav

Can i ask you Waterdreamer what is ABA Programme if you dont mind???I have never heard about this.


ABA stands for Applied behavior analysis. Its a intensive therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder. My son has 31 hours of therpy a week from either his tutor, or senior tutor, and 5 hours a week more at home with me. He has a consultant which is a child psychologist, who meets with him every other Tuesday and creates programs for me and the tutors to use. For us it has been my son’s saving grace. He turned from a little boy who could only sign and would scream and through uncontrolable fits because he couldn’t get his message across, to a wonderful little boy, who is learning to talk and read, playing with his peers and following classroom and household rules. It was amazing for us. I’m so blessed he responded so well to it and we have an excellent team behind us :slight_smile:

And thank-you nhockaday for the reply, I’ll try that this weekend when I’m working on it :slight_smile:

Hi waterdreamer,

Could you share in brief what sort of activities are done with your son in the early intervention program?

I asked my Ped for advice on my son’s abnormal behaviors which some are newly developed such as obsessive spinning of things especially things that are round and his recent obsession with his reflection on the wall, cabinets, mirrors, looking with the corner of his eyes as he walks ( i’m not sure it is his reflection but I interpret it that way). He’s also speech delayed compared to his peers but I was not too concern initially as we’re a multilingual household, i thought it’s sort of expected that multilingual children tend to be speech delayed in the beginning. All my Ped said was take away TV for 3-6 months, he should improve.

I remember your advice in one of my earlier posts and completed an online PDD screening questionaire today as I dont know where I could find a physical screening in my area. The result was Mild PDD with a warning. Granted this is an experimental questionaire but the questions are totally relevant, so I guess the result cant be too far from accurate. Anyway I had better research myself than wait for my Ped to be willing to look at him seriously.

Any pointers?

It all depends on what your childs smyphtoms(sp) are. My son had alot of no complience issues and we spent alot of time rewarding the little things, having him do a simple activity and rewarding right away, and slowly over time making the task harder and harder before he could receive his reward. We do alot of labeling items and pictures, building block towers according to a picture, sorting items,etc. All activites are rewarded with a token board, after he gathers a certain amount of tokens he gets his reward.
If you would like PM me and we can talk more :slight_smile:

Thanks waterdreamer. Will PM you to talk more.

Meanwhile, I found a couple of books recommended for parents/ caregivers of autistic child and read the reviews and some excerpts, think they’re quite good.

For sharing

  1. Autism: The Journey Back, Recovering the Self Through Heilkunst

  2. A Work in Progress: Behavior Management Strategies & A Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral Treatment of Autism

try this site, it was mentionated in this topic:
hope it helps

Thanks guys for the links I will probably take a look of this later.