Encyclopedic Knowledge ideas?

I am looking for ideas of what categories to prepare for my kids. I have quite a few ideas already, but I realize not everyone can share their presentations on the internet (copyright laws, doing Doman without the computer) so I wondered if we could have a post that just has lots of ideas… EK people have done for their kids.

I’ve prepared:

Masterpieces of Claude Monet
Masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci
World’s Tallest Free Standing Structures

Baby Animals on the Farm
Butterflies of Ontario
Dog Breeds
Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises
Marine Mammals
Pony Breeds
Sea Creatures

General Science
Cloud Types
Sea-going Vessels
Planets of the Solar System

States of the US
Earth Structure
Flags of the Middle East
Middle East Capital Cities
Oceans of the World
Terrestrial Biomes
Waterfalls of the World

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Seven Wonders of the Medieval World

Human Physiology
Organs of the Human Body

Canadian Currency
Colours with Trucks (purple tractor, red dump truck, etc)
Prepositions (over, under, beside, etc)

Literature and Religion


Musical Instruments

Not all these ideas/presentations are my own. As you can see, some subjects are easy to come up with ideas, but for other subjects I could really use more ideas!

Hi Momtomany,

I quite impressed on all your topic and sub-topics. You can get more sub topics from the children encyclopedic books,which are now available in market. How old is your children? did the glenn doman method work for you? As I am also using the glenn doman method and their flash cards for english and maths. I need some advise if possible to make it more interesting for my child.[color=blue] :smiley: [/color]

Mom to many, that is a very nice idea, I think all of us reach this point when we are not sure what to do further. As for me i have not quite reached that stage as I just recently started with EK. But i have some plans which I would like to share.

Human Physiology:

Bones of the body
organs of the body (i chose this as my dtr seemed very fascinated with the charts in my doctors office)

General science:

Simple tools (as suggested by Doman)
Air transportation
Ground transportation
Water transportation


American writers
Indian writers

World landmarks (not just the wonders)

I havent really worked on finding topics under the realm of religion but I supppose how about just introducing to different religions and under POIs , stating their main centers of faith.

I have done a few Ek categories including musical instruments/continents/shapes/ but following my dtrs lead we are doing wild animals /animals in Africa and so on. BTW I got some flashcards oin target, they are quite good. esp the landmarks category.

Mom to many, If you dont mind can I add your topics to my list? Thanks for the good topic.

Masterpieces of Claude Monet
Masterpieces of Leonardo da Vinci
World’s Tallest Free Standing Structures
More modern artists
Types of art (drawing, sculpture, painting, photography etc)

Baby Animals on the Farm
Butterflies of Ontario
Dog Breeds
Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises
Marine Mammals
Pony Breeds
Sea Creatures
Parts of a plant
The big cats
Cells and structures inside cells

General Science
Cloud Types
Sea-going Vessels
Planets of the Solar System
Simple tools (as suggested by Doman)
Air transportation
Ground transportation
Water transportation
Periodic table
Things that float vs sink

States of the US
Earth Structure
Flags of the Middle East
Middle East Capital Cities
Oceans of the World
Terrestrial Biomes
Waterfalls of the World
World landmarks
Landmarks of a specific country (do for many countries)
Interesting places near where we live
Our home (maps of home are early geography)
Other galaxies
Structures in space (black holes, stars etc)
Countries of each continent

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Seven Wonders of the Medieval World
Kings of _______
Ages (eg ice age etc)
Roman emperors
Technology (eg record players vs CDs, Beta/VHS vs DVDs, telephones now and then)

Canadian Currency
Colours with Trucks (purple tractor, red dump truck, etc)
Prepositions (over, under, beside, etc)
Other currencies

Literature and Religion
American writers
Indian writers
Children’s book writers
Places of worship
People important in each religion

Roman numerals
Mathematics in the home (eg telling time, measuring for cooking etc)

Musical Instruments
Types of music (eg jazz, classical etc)
Famous musicals
Musical composers

Human Physiology:
Bones of the body
organs of the body (i chose this as my dtr seemed very fascinated with the charts in my doctors office)

So if you post your ideas on a blog or website for your own personal use but happen to share your password or some way to view it with others, is that breaking copyright…it’s not going public exactly. And you arent selling it…

I am so impressed with everyone on this site who is so organized and has done so much structured learning with their little ones! I am just starting out trying to get organized, but I think the first EK sets I should prepare for my son, based on his interests, are Construction Vehicles, Airport Vehicles, Farm Machinery, and Emergency Vehicles! He already knows quite a few from seeing them and us talking about them and searching for photos/videos to view on the web, and I’m sure he would soak up additional facts about them like a sponge. A few of the more exotic ones that he recognizes: Combine Harvester, Car Transporter, (airport) Luggage Truck, and (airport) Catering Truck!

Maybe these topics aren’t GD-worthy like great works of art or the periodic table of elements but I know he would sure be excited about them!

Here are my presentations…they aren’t organized but they might give you some ideas. Some are for older kids (e.g., preschoolers) and could be adapted for babies. http://forum.brillkids.com/downloads/?sa=myfiles;u=12952

Here are some topic ideas I posted…I’ve done only some of these:


Here are some more topics I want covered for my own reasons:

Greek Wars (Trojan War, The Persian War, The Peloponnesian War, Alexander’s Conquest and Empire)
Athens and other Greek City-States
Ancient Greek Art
Ancient Greek Culture (religion, sports, slaves, women, etc.)

Selected Important Cities
Most Important U.S. States
Geo-Political Concepts (broadly conceived…all about defining a state…borders, passports, capitals, government buildings, ethnic groups, annexation and cession)

Simplest Economic Concepts (i.e., those that can actually be explained to a bright 3-year-old)
Types of Industry (Agriculture, Computer Programming and Design, Internet, Construction, Entertainment, incl. movies, TV, music, Journalism, Manufacturing and Retail, incl. food, clothing, consumer goods, etc., Mining, Petroleum, Transportation)

Definitions and dictionaries (what definitions are, alphabetical order, how to use dictionaries)
Common Phrases in Widely-Spoken Languages

The Atom and Its Parts
The Earth as a Whole (incl. The Interior of the Earth, Earth as a Planet in Space)
Rocks and Minerals
The Ocean
The Layers of Atmosphere

Various Art Media (various types of painting and drawing, types of sculpture, etc.)

I think that babies reading encyclopedia early may help him/her sharpen their knowledge. :smiley:

Dear Everyone,

I have not read the EK book yet and look forward to it in the near fugure. I am working with English and Qur’anic/Classical Arabic reading, and math.

But I was curious to know if there are any EK bits of knowledge/POI based on countries/cultures from around the world? And do they include pictures of the people (men/women/children) in their traditional clothes from that country?

I would love to see something like this.


  • Ayesha

Can you scan your bits to pdf to share with a select few rather than a forum, as posting worldwide would break copyright but a small sharing thing would be Ok surely? Just wondering. So have you all written POIs to go with these, or just bits? Can you share your POIs in the Ek forum. It’s easier to do bits when the POIs are already done! I have been working on famous artists of history POIs, will begin upload them over XMAS holidays. I can do them for about 85 artists.

here a list
life cycle of a plant
life cycle of a frog
life cycle of a chicken
human body respiratory system
human body bones
digestive system
carsiovascular system

police officer etc