I would like some clarification regarding left brain/right brain education.
I understand that LM & LR are primarily right brain activities (with the exception of the multisensory LR lessons), and TW is right brain too.
If YBCR is multisensory, then is that mostly left brain learning? Is it strengthening the left brain and therefore encouraging early “bridging?” As language develops, the left brain takes over more, then should we not encourage language and reading?
I think I’m confused. I thought YBCR & Little Pim were good programs, but I don’t want to rush my children’s left brain development. According to TW, ideally kids should stay dominant in the right brain as long as possible?
Please enlighten me! I think I’m missing something.
This was the web page I amreferring to.
TWEEDLEWINK—Children who are taught Right Brain Education from the earliest moments of life gain an incredible library of information that they will use throughout life. The presence of information allows more connections to develop within the brain, increasing intelligence and creative thinking power. And perhaps most importantly, because we teach parents right along with the children, the foundation of this program—unconditional love—creates a profound bond that accelerates a child’s sense of well being, pure joy and passion for life.
This is subconscious input, which a child cannot express when in the "right brain window" but will be seen as soon as the child bridges over to more left-brain thought. This occurs at about 2-8 years of age. Girls bridge earlier, boys bridge later. But PLEASE do not rush to have this happen in your child. The longer he/she is in the pre-bridging "right brain window," the stronger the subconscious library becomes. And they happier they are when in this cycle, the stronger their access will be to the information. Einstein himself was in the right brain window for over 8 years before he bridged to left brain thought. And during that time, he was nurtured by his mother and given scores of science periodicals to sponge up by his uncle and father. Once he bridged to left-brain thought, and began to speak coherently, his advanced conceptual ideas revealed that his mind had super-connections.