embarrasing situations

Today we went out with a friend and her son. I usually take a peek on my daughter who was sitting behind when i drive. As usual i did, and i saw my friends son trying to touch my daughter’s private part. Immediately, I told him to stop what he was doing n told him not to do that again. I told my friend what her son did. She did not appologise to me nor did not know how to respond. She was shock n silent for a while and started blaming on the cartoons he watched. He is 8 yrs old, my daughter is 21 months old. She is potty training now, but on long trips , i still let her put on the diapers, fortunately she did today. And it occur to me, when should we start teaching them sex education? How to do it well? When I was a child, around 5 or 6 yrs. My uncle pinched my nipples. I cried so long. My mom did not say nor do anything. I guess she was young and did not know how to handle such situations. As a Chinese, we were taught to respect the elders. I guess my mom did not want to show disrespect to my uncle as he was elder than her. However, this strongly etched on my memory. What happen to my daughter today reminded me of that incident that happen to me. I do not want anything similiar to happen to my daughter. And i ll not keep quiet like my mom did. I would like to hear some views, advise or experience regarding such situations. I thank you in advance for ur valuable time in reading my post n replies. thank you.

It is never too early to explain to your child that their private parts are just that, private. They should not be touched or exposed by anyone except, and you fill in the blank here. Let your child know that it is important that they tell you if anyone is ever crossing the line. I have told my children in the past that if anyone ever attempts to touch or harm them to start screaming with pain and hold their stomachs. I told them to act as if they have a terrible stomach ache and make a lot of noise to draw attention to the situation until someone can come and help.

Sexual abuse is a huge problem in this world and if we don’t educate our children then they may not stand a chance of warding off an attack.

My son is nearlt 10 and has no awareness of sexual feelings or interest yet. A boy doing that is likely to have been molested or been exposed to pornographic material… whichever, it’s still child abuse, and in my country Australia, would be investigated.

Krista G, I agree with u. So since last nite, I m trying to tell her to say no if someone touches there again…Thank you.
Nikita, I thought so too… I think it is a bit early for boys to show sexual interest since he is only 8 years old. There is a cartoon in Japan that is shown to children on tv, it is called Crayon Shin chan. It is actually an adult cartoon, but i do not know why they r included as one of the children entertainment in the evenings. I guess it is important for parents to scan through the contents of what our children watch in tv. Thank you .