Ella spelling at 2 years 10 months old :)

My daughter Ella has been showing a lot of interest in spelling in the last couple of months. Because she cannot write yet (except for her name), I have been encouraging her interest by letting her type on the keyboard, playing with letter stamps and magnets, and playing with spelling apps on the iPad. Here is a video of her spelling CVC words using the Montessori movable alphabet on her iPad.

The app is called Montessori Crosswords and has three levels (1- CVC words, 2- words with consonant blends, 3- complex words) and also has a free play mode where you can compose your own words and sentences using the movable alphabet.

Aside from these, I am not sure how to go about teaching a toddler how to spell. So I recently ordered the All About Spelling program (level 1) after reading great reviews about it on several homeschool forums. I am excited to try it out with her and will let you guys know how it goes.


That’s great!! Great job Ella!

We have that app, but it was too hard for my son when we first got it. I bet he’d love it now, thanks for the reminder. I bet if I show him Ella’s video he’ll be all excited to try…

Please let us know how All About Spelling goes! I’m very interested in doing that with my kids as well.

Ella Is amazing!

Great Job!

Ella is phenomenal, great job to you both! Love it!

& love that she is just a little bit older than my DD, because I always get great ideas for new activities to do with my DD from watching you guys. :biggrin:

Woot woot, Ella! She is so funny. I love how kids act like they are not really interested, but perform beautifully. And… would most likely be upset if you took whatever toy or game it is away. And she is too cute while sounding the words out!

Gosh, I have been skeptical about getting a an iPad, but I might have to with all the good parents on here have to say about them!

Great job Anna and Ella! You guys are a big inspiration to us!

That looks like fun!
You mentioned that Ella can write her name? It is difficult to believe that but not impossible…right? What kind of fine motor skills curriculum are using?
I enjoy seen Ella working her activities.

outstanding performance, Ella & mummy daddy!!

that’s amazing, :slight_smile:

Great job Ella! It’s always a delight to watch her. Please share your pre-writing experiences with your daughter.

Thanks, guys! :slight_smile:


Aside from the educational apps available, I think you will love this app called Flashboard. Basically, it is an app for creating 2-sided flashcards, and I’ve been using it to create Doman-style books for Ella. It is SO easy to use and I’ve made 5 20-page books within 30 minutes. You just take pictures using the built-in camera, type in the text on one side of the “flashcard,” and select a picture from your camera roll for the other side of the “flashcard,” and just keep adding more pages (cards) to your book until you’re finished. Voila! You now have an ebook with text on one page and the pic on the next page. Then, when you’re reading the book with your baby, you just swipe through the cards like flipping pages in a book. You can even have the baby play a Memory game to match the words with the pictures using this app! I am using it mostly to make Doman-style Chinese books and EK cards for Ella. Best of all, the app is free! :smiley:

She is amazing. :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing. Ella is really outstanding.

Amazing as always :slight_smile: She is so cute!

I’m going to try her technique with my son- I like the way she goes ‘bbbbb…at’ and sometimes its more like b- ba-t= bat. That means we should probably use both styles- ‘b-at and b-ba-bat’ with our kids…I was just wondering about this recently (about which way would be easier) :smiley:

Thanks for sharing all this with us.


Wanna know where I can buy the software and how much is it? Thanks…

You can download the app to your iPad from the iTunes App Store for $2.99. It’s called Montessori Crosswords. :slight_smile: