I’ve read all 4 pages, still confusing what to give my baby. she is 15 months old, still drinking 4-5 bottles of formula everyday (Nestle Nan 2). She has been on formula since 6 months old due to me going back to work full time and had to go overseas for a business trip at that time. And face it not all full time working mom can keep up their milk supply, if you are going to suggest that I should have expressed milk. I have invested good money in that machine and it did not work very well for me though I tried many ways.
Well now my baby goes to a daycare. She is a picky eater, at home and at daycare. So I have been relied on her drinking formula to complete the required nutrients. I give her liquid iron to supplement her food intake as well. We are an Asian family so we don’t really use milk in cooking. That part is fine then, I only have to worry about her formula now right? And the daycare’s cooking, since I am sure they use heaps of dairy products in cooking and drinking. The other day I just came to pick up my baby earlier than usual and see they fed her cracker with cheese on it, and she seemed to like it.
So am I to substitute cow-milk based formula with some other formula? If so, what is the suggestion since rice milk, soy milk, animal milk, almond milk are all not good?
Or do I just drop the milk and hope she will eat all the food we cook when she is hungry? I am just so worried that she would be losing weight. Her cousin is underweight and developing problems because he is eating too little.
She also drinks once at night time and once very early in the morning when she is still asleep (we do not force her to drink, she lets us know she is hungry and in need of a drink by signs). What do I do with those meals, it seems not a way to let her get up and feed her solids at 11pm-12am or 4-5am???
Also when I have a 2nd baby, and have to drop breastfeeding before 1 year old, what should I do to give the baby nutrients without dairy? You know under 1 they need milk as they are only learning to eat solids.
A note on the fish oil, I have not been able to follow the links since I’m using my work laptop. However I’ve read info somewhere else regarding flaxeed oil does not provide DHA in a form readily for our bodies to absorb, and it is not easy to convert from other forms to DHA. Actually I have done a few research myself on the fish oil, and all of the products availalbe in pharmacies, supermarkets where I live (NZ) are sadly lacking in both DHA level, and information regarding their products. I bought my fish oil online from a company called Xtend-life, I found they publish the most complete info regarding fish oil, what to look for, what source of fish, how they process fish into Omega 3 oil, the level of pollutants in their fish oil (not just saying they comply to whatever standard…), what make of the capsules etc… their website is www.xtend-life.com if you want to read. Before that, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, I bought fish oil from a company called Oils for life, also online. My baby has always had a good attention span, not sure due to fish oil or not though. I only switched the fish oil because Xtend life publishes more info around their products though. Surprisingly both the companies are NZ companies, and their main source for the oil is Hoki fish, a NZ deep sea fish with natural high level of DHA.
Waiting for feedback regarding what I should do with my baby’s formula feeding? Many thanks in advance.