Well I’ll tell you now that the manufacturer will swear up and down that it’s safe.
I just read this on the Holistic Pediatric Association web site
Flax seed oil is often recommended as an omega-3 supplement for children, but there is a problem. Flax seeds contain the omega-3 fatty acid ALA that must be converted to DHA by an enzyme so that the body can incorporate it into cells. The problem is that children make this enzyme only in small amounts, if at all. If they do not have the enzyme they will not benefit from the omega-3 fat in flax seeds. Newborns are completely unable to convert ALA to DHA. A study of breastfeeding mothers who took a flaxseed oil supplement had no resulting increase in their own plasma or breast milk levels of DHA, showing that adults do not make this conversion either (Francois, 2003). Flaxseeds are not an adequate source of DHA.
I thought it was kind of interesting that kids have very little of the enzyme needed to benefite from the omega 3’s in flax seed. It would sure be easier to get them to take it. I have to be very careful not to mix too much in with K’s food or she won’t eat it. Sometimes that means spreading it out over a few meals & I forget so she doesn’t always get the full dose.
This is such an interesting subject. I found a couple more interesting links:
Where to find whole milk
& Milk - should your children drink it?
Regarding your comment about flax seed-- I hope that is not true. I have been taking flax seed (for it’s omegas) since I was pregnant. I was told, and expected to be getting the full benefits of the omegas and expected to pass those benefits to my son.
And the articles about milk are very interesting and further confirm my original post. Thanks.
What really amazes me is that children are pushed to drink a lot of milk. I am on wic, and I get like 6 gallons of milk a month. I hate milk and only use it to cook with. But the point is that the government is giving all these families huge amounts of it and saying how great and beneficial it is. It’s no wonder there are so many health and behavior problems today (and I’m not just blaming it on milk, but other things that the government doesn’t choose to investigate or tell us the whole story about). And it looks like a big part of the problem is all the crap that they give cows to make them bigger and “healthier”. It’s the same problem with all the meat that people eat and the vegetables and fruits that are supposed to be good for you.
I seriously wish that I could afford to eat totally organic, but unfortunately, with this economy, it is way too expensive.
My son has intolerance to cow’s milk proteins so I’m giving him a special powder milk . When he reach the age of two, his pediatrician has advised me to stop with powder milk and start with soya milk and it will be in two months time. There is a lot of controversy about milk so I’m not quite sure about what I’ll do. I’ve heard soya milk has a lot of allergenes. Do any of you know anything about almond milk, is it a better option?
I read that it is a good option.
nhockaday - Here is the link to the info on flax seed - I don’t think it means it is harmful to the baby, just not useful. The info on flax seed is towards the bottom of the article.
I know it’s not harmful, but I am only taking it to benefit Gabriel. So if it doesn’t work then I’ve been wasting money on it when I could have bought nasty fish oil instead.
I must be a mean mom because I make K take the fish oil herself! I have to be careful not to mix too much at a time into her food though or she won’t eat it.
laidalays - Almond milk totes many benefits (rich in vitamin D and E, omega fatty acids and low in cholesterol), but also high amounts of allergens (very high in salicylates and problematic proteins, considered a priority allergen by many countries with a 37% likelihood of a person being allergic). Soy milk also contains proteins that many find difficult to digest or lead to even more severe problems, but its salicylate levels are negligible, so I would advise soy milk as the safer option. Keep in mind however that both almonds (grouped in the category of ‘tree nuts’) and soy are both in the top 9 allergens to watch out for by paediatricians
Unfortunately I only know about this because I’m extremely allergic to lots of different foods! lol
Thank you very much Shuki for that info.
They don’t smell too much (not like fish oil!) You can get them in liquid capsules or liquid. They do have omegas, but according to the article that Kmum posted, children’s bodies are not able to convert them.
I am surprised to find that dairy products are not good for health.
As here in out society the dairy products are considered to be most nutritious. Rather it is encouraged that more and more dairy products should be given.
However, after going through the present discussion, i will try to not give dairy products to the my child.
Thanks to all and enhancing the knowledge
Thanks to Brillkids also for introducing such forum…
I started cutting dairy out of my diet over 2 years ago and I do not plan on giving it to my son at all. I have known of the ill effects of dairy for a while, but it wasn’t until I gave it up completely that I noticed a big difference in my health. Anywho, I switched to rice milk, but the only brand I prefer is full circle.
I am new to this Forum, One of my friend introduced me here.
I read about the topic on eliminating dairy product and foudn the smae to be very interesting and educative for the benefit of children.
Thank a lot.
I was wondering about raw milk… I did some research but there is one aspect that I am not sure of…By consuming raw milk you mean you don’t even boil it at home? Even if you take it directly from the farm, isn’t that risky? Are there ways to reduce the risk of diseases without compromising the nutritional value of the milk? Is there a certain way to boil it that is OK?
I would also like to know about the boiling.
I was also wondering if any of you who started eliminating dairy have seen a difference. It has been about a month since this thread started and I was just curious.
For those who do eliminate dairy, what is your favorite ways to get the calcium, fat and vitamin D into your babies?
Y’all are always so helpful. I sure appreciate y’all! :biggrin:
This is a very important topic for me right now. Since Jacob turned one I made the switch to whole milk. But ever since he has had the worst constipation. I read that could be a sign of milk intolerance. So, I went out and got some soy milk. He has been on that for two days and already the constipation is improving.
I don’t know what to do though, I have read some nasty things about soy. But I have also read a lot of good experiences with it. I would like to cut out dairy (although I love cheese and ice cream) What is the best alternative? Jacob still loves to have a bottle, so I need something “milky” for him. Plus he still drinks about four of these a day. He goes for his 12 month well check on Fri so I will ask them about this also.
I know there are a lot of good food sources but he has become so picky in what he will eat that I worry about difficiencies.
Has anyone tried “green smoothies”? Basically a smoothie made with a lot of fruit and green leafy veggies. Everything I have read says it tastes great, but I haven’t tried it yet. This would be a wonderful way to get calcium from food. I just don’t know if my blender is strong enough to really smooth out the greens. I would love to get a vitamixer but they are so expensive!
ABOUT THE SOY MILK ,even me read about nasty things that could happen expecially for boys. jake has been found that he has lactose intolerance in our local milk .He used to make dearrea every day .Now i am giving him long life milk and he is constipated.He does not eat vegatables .At least he likes oranges and gives him 2 a day .Sometimes he is controlled.Instead of soy milk i was suggested for rice milk.
Dear All,
This is all interesting information - I myself have never really liked drinking milk, and developed an allergy to dairy as an adult. My children’s stomach’s are upset when they consume it, and we all have upper respiratory issues (sneezing, running noses/eyes, inflammed sinuses, congestion that turns into full-blown infections with fevers!) I substitute 16 oz. of soy milk for them per day.
I and my children personally follow The Zone nutritional program by Dr. Barry Sears, coupled with Omega Rx (highly refined and ultra-pure and a pleasing taste). We are all healthy, calm, have excellent attention spans, thanks to God, and rarely get sick.
Please refer to the following links for more detailed information to understand how the delicate balance of nutrition and Omega 3’s together affect hormones and wellness or “dis-ease”:
General Information
Omega Rx
Scientific Research (the why & how of nutrition and Omega 3s affect hormones and the prevention of and/or the creation of “dis-ease”)
I believe that one of the most precious things after having great health, is great education!
- Ayesha