EL Goals for 2013

Would anyone like to share their EL goals for this New Year that is 2013? Please everyone post to share some inspiration and advise with the community.

Great idea!
For us, goals such as “one of this or that a day” do not work, because life happens, and after a few days missing the planned activity, I’m demotivated.
I’m more into concrete tasks to achieve by a certain date. For example, I’ve started giving my daughter dictations. It works really well. So my goal would be to have her write independentely up to 50 words by June (end of the school year for us)

-dictation (more and more complex words)
-writing cursive

  • having one or two regular penpals (to help with the previous goals)
    -knowing basic addition facts
    -memorizing two poems by Jean de La Fontaine

Mine arnt so much EL goals anymore as big kid extensions lol
But I plan to teach my entire kindergarten class to read this year! That’ll get me a reputation lol I want to see how much EL is possible in my setting. Kind of like a pilot program to take away every ones excuses. If I can do it hen anyone can. I need to sit down and nut out what to teach each month and have it easily reproducible in other settings but it should be plenty of fun to try.

My kids goals for this year
Natalya: complete 2 Saxon math texts which will get her to grade 7 math at age 9
Gymnastics level 4 skills ( if she works hard she should finish the level in one year, but it is uncommon)
Reading- extension in reading and writing through classics
History- complete SOTW 2 ( we are almost through SOTW 1)

Tiana- Math complete grade 3 math ( she is in grade 2) and begin Saxon 5/4. Memorise math facts. Learn times tables.
Art- practice daily drawing
Reading- complete school reading levels up to age 12 and start on classical literature, including writing extension activities.
History- SOTW 2 completed
Gymnastics- build core strength, nail the pullover, complete level 1 at professionals club and enter level 2 by June

Jaykob- reading to age 10 by end of the year, begin spelling. ( his writing is BEAUTIFUL!)
Math- yeah mummy better find some more extension work for him…he has already done the next two years math. Memorising math facts would be a good goal for him and times tables!
Piano- get a routine of daily playing happening again. Complete Little Music
Encyclopaedic knowledge- extend general knowledge in living earth
History- passive listening to SOTW 1-2

I want them all to do more Geography but haven’t managed to fit it in yet. I think I might need to rely on the iPads to get that one covered. Maybe I should print these goals up and stick them somewhere obvious. The girls goals will be no trouble but Jaykobs goals require more of my time :closedeyes: plus they run against what they want him to do in school this year.( Oh we’ll that’s never stopped me before!) I might need to set out a weekly or monthly plan for him. Some of his reading will be non fiction to cover the general knowledge stuff.

Amanda, your kindergarten goal is awesome! :yes:

So I’ve been hesitant to make goals this year. I want to do so many things and I know I won’t be able to do all of them, and I’m struggling to decide what would be my best priority. If I fail to plan, I plan to fail, that sort of thing. I need to prioritize. A couple of years ago I realized that I was spreading myself too thin trying to do everything and nothing was getting done, so I dropped everything and focused on teaching my oldest to read. I had a 3-year-old who couldn’t read, and by this forum’s standards he was behind, lol, so I focused on that. Now that I’ve figured out how to teach reading, I’ve decided to focus on music and math. We got Soft Mozart for Christmas and I want to make sure that I make it work. After the Moshe Kai thread I realized how important math is, so I’m hoping to get my foot in that door too. Specifically I want to help my 5-year-old memorize his basic math facts so we can move on to Saxon 5/4 next year.

But writing is important too, right? And it’s a perfect time for a second language (Spanish), and there’s chess. There’s the the mid-brain activation stuff. Speed reading. We just bought an awesome geography book we need to dig into. There are scriptures to memorize. Learning to type.

My husband pointed out that our kids just scribble when they go to our church’s nursery when other kids are actually coloring in the lines. He said with all of my advanced topics I need to not neglect the basics. They need to be able to color. I want to do more activities like the stuff on http://playathomemom3.blogspot.com/. We also haven’t done most of the experiments in “The Big Bag of Science” we bought more than a year ago.

So my only measurable goal is to read 2013 books. I probably should set more concrete goals for my kids but I’m not ready to commit yet as I haven’t figured out what my priorities are. Mostly I just want to continue to make progress.

Frankly my new years resolutions are more of the “go to bed earlier, wake up earlier”, “Keep on top of the dishes” type. That and spending less time on my computer! After school starts I need to stop stalking facebook, my e-mail inbox, and yes, even BrillKids. I’m a bit addicted to this forum, I love reading about what everyone is doing. You are all so amazing! Still, I’m going to cut back and only check the internet once a day at most. :biggrin:

Good topic to think about!

For my 6 year old:

  1. Finish Saxon 5/4 (more than halfway done) and start and finish 6/5.
  2. Continue to work on grammar and writing daily (Daily language lessons grade 4 and writing with ease)
  3. Continue reading classics, historical books and science books
  4. Complete chemistry program which came with the kit he got for christmas

For my 3 year old:

  1. Transition to an independent reader
  2. Progress to chapter books
  3. Complete Right Start level A

Also we hope to incorporate lots of experiential things this year. On New Years I asked my kids what they thought would happen this year and they had goals for things like: backpacking, staying in a cottage by the ocean, driving to visit relatives, leaning how to pan gold/operate a metal detector, join swim team…So, we are planning a busy year.

great goals. Tamsyn, I hear you! loud and clear. these are my focus goals and I know they wont be all we do but they ae the ones I deam
most important this year. I also dont think they are too much of a stretch for any of my kids, which is probably a bad thing :confused:
Of topic a bit…Linzy what do you think of the writing programs you mentioned? I need something I just dont know what I need :biggrin: I want to teach writing, more so than grammer but I understand they cant be seperated, its just the focus needs to be on the writing. Producing quality writing.
For those working on memorising number facts check out the APP Number Run. its actually a game that helps kids learn number facts and its fun! great for 4 up, it might be too stressful for under 4 but give it a go anyway.

Thank you everyone some very inspiring goals. I want my goals to focus more on input than output as I don’t want to put pressure on myself or kids to get anywhere in particular, as for us, this can cause stress and probably slow us down more than anything!

When I have something down as ‘daily’ this actually means 4 days per week as the other 3 days I am working and don’t have time to do EL activities (although I do try to squeeze in LMs, LR and one book in the morning before I go to work!)

So my current goals / ideas / rough directions (although no doubt will change as we go along) are:

E - aged 3.5y


  • Read 5 books per day (1-2 she reads to me, 3-4 I read to her). This will equate to 1000 books per year. They don’t all need to be different. But as we move to chapter books this target will reduce (maybe 1 chapter = 1 “book”?)
  • Work towards increasing complexity of stories
  • Poems – one per week – repeated daily, discussion of concepts and vocab
  • Story-telling and comprehension – use dialogic reading and ask increasingly complex questions about plot, encourage abilty to summarize and retell story in her own words, encourage to tell own stories


  • Continue to work on (ideally complete) RS level A
  • Areas to work on using a variety of means including apps: time, number bonds to 5 and 10, money, simple fractions (half, third, quarter), skip counting, continue comparisons (fewer and more), 3d shapes
  • Critical / logical thinking – 2-3 questions
  • Continue gentle soroban intro using app and a small soroban
  • Complete eurotalk 3-5 (we just have one quiz to complete!) and try out the new eurotalk math app 4-6

Spelling and Writing

  • Improve confidence with writing - practice writing letters and words
  • Complete AAS level 1 and start level 2 using tiles (ideally to be writing by the end of the year)


  • Complete LMS
  • Soft Mozart Piano practice 3-4 times weekly, covering exercises, singing solfege and playing songs with R, L and both hands. Enter into Hellene’s Spring recital if she does another one this year.


  • Consider LR in French or spanish if released!
  • Practice French in preparation for our holiday to France – not sure yet how we will do this one……

M - aged 18 months

Reading and language

  • Continue LR 1-2 time daily, finish UK curriculum and move onto other files (repeat the new UK V3 once released)
  •   Show EK LR files
  • Work on phonics sounds for letters
  • Start Reading bear and use my powerpoint fleschcard files as well
  •   Read at least 5 books per day (picture and board books)
  •   Continue to use BSL for signing new words, learn to sign the alphabet
  •   Listen to a poem daily each week and to books read to his older sister


  • Lots of counting activities
  • Shapes, colours (via LR)
  •   Look for some fun simple math apps as he gets a little older
  •   Start using numicon when around 2y
  • Hmm – need to think about this one - there is not much in this box!


  • Continue LMS (and repeat if we finish).
  •   Consider starting Soft Mozart if he is willing from age 2ish

Gosh - what a difference in goals between the two kids. I need to think hard about what I’m missing with the little one.

I was just thinking about posting goals somewhere on this forum to try and keep myself accountable! I really want to focus this year on reading and math. So teach Big Girl A to read by my modified Spaulding program (spell 700 words from the Ayres list with magnets of the phonograms) and finish (or just continue regularly) Right Start Level A and/or MEP. Baby S, just continue my Doman words and dots program till she turns 1 in July, then add Amazing Action Alphabet for phonics and Marshmallow Math.

BUT… As Tamsyn said, there’s always more! I’m doing a Montessori course online and really want to set up a Montessori group a few days a week this year. I keep telling myself that I need to speak French along with English; I was fluent five years ago, I just need to speak it again. And I know that I don’t focus enough on physical skills and I want to work on those. Big Girl gets Little Musician as a reward, so that shouldn’t be hard to keep up. I’m really trying to cut it off there. No more than that until she reads independently and can do addition, subtraction, and a bit of multiplication and division (Right Start won’t do that this early, I’ll have to add it with a different program in the fall).

My personal EL goals include no more buying/downloading things; I’ve got programs coming out my ears and I need to just stick with what I have. I think I have material for our entire elementary curriculum, except the later Right Start books, and way more than that. I need to stop!

I’m trying to keep my goals simple this year (they might stand a chance of getting reached that way :laugh: )

For my 3 year old:


  • independent reading (at least to short sentences/early readers - at the moment he ‘just’ sounds out CVC words :happy: )

  • master writing the lowercase letters, preferably in cursive

  • work with AAS level 1 at least three times a week

  • start working on retelling basic stories

  • speaking with a level of fluency in Russian (mostly he understands and replies in English :frowning: )

  • master the sounds of the Russian alphabet, possibly sounding out simple words

  • read a poem every day in English and Russian

  • read 2013 books (repeats and Russian books count!)


  • Complete Saxon K (and 1 if possible)
  • Complete MEP R (and 1 if possible)


  • learn something new every week, using BFSU and Montessori as a spine


  • complete LMs
  • SM at least 3 times a week, preferably daily practice


  • make time for Montessori sessions at least three times a week
  • introduce Godly Play to our routine

I should also follow Wolfwind’s lead and stop buying new materials - it only distracts me from actually teaching anything! I also have more than enough to keep me going for years as it is!

Now that I’ve written it all down, it doesn’t look too simple after all lol

Ok… I am going to make this up on the fly. And I have the right to revise. It would be nice to make sure that this thread is bumped at least every few months. I love seeing everyone’s goals and progress.

James 3 years.
Firstly, my mild boy flipped a switch on me. He is becoming a terror. So we need to focus on manners and ettiquette. We are using We are virtues as the basis of this ans having him focus on one each week.

Master riding a bike, no training wheels.
Start a structured class, dance or martial arts. (Not many options in our area)
Work on tumbling, brachiation and balance beam
Run 1-2 miles at a time.
Become a confident swimmer over the summer.

Complete all kindergarten level math from various sources.
Memorize addtion, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Plod along with phonics so that he learns all the phonics rules and exceptions.
Keeps reading a variety of genres.
Fuse spelling and reading and writing.

Start writing with more purpose, starting with Montessori insets that I plan to make myself.
Use the LetterSchool app to get the writing mechanics down. Then transfer this skill to paper.
Continue to draw.

Complete our first run through BFSU, fleshing it out with a lot of complimentary reading, documentaries and discussion.

Concentration/Focus/Practical Life.
Go back to Montessori tasks.

My goal, read Charlotte Mason and implement some of her philosophies.

Hmmm…great thread. I’m going to write a few and edit to add more as I think of them.

Both children:

  • Read 2013 books aloud, ideally to include 1000 new books
  • Read a new poem each day
  • general knowledge through YBCD/YCCD, TW,

Sophie, 2 years 10 months:

Critical Thinking:


  • Reading Bear
  • Ordinary Parent’s Guide to Teaching Reading
  • Review LR on a very casual basis
  • Read 2013 books aloud, ideally to include 1000 new books
  • Continue with Story of the World as part of read aloud
  • May start using All About Spelling to work on both spelling and phonics

Overall goal is to develop a love of poetry. Ideas include:

  • Read a new poem each day
  • Read favourite poems over and over (and over)
  • Listen to poetry cds
  • Watch Classical Baby The Poetry Show once a week
  • Attempt to learn the poems in First Language Lessons


  • Start writing through apps and generally messing around

Oral Language:

  • Word-of-the-day taken from our reading
  • Continue to work on narration
  • Continue to work on speaking in full sentences
  • Continue to work on mannerly speech, e.g. “May I…” instead of “I want…”


  • Saxon K
  • Complete EuroTalk maths app
  • IXL if she asks for it, ideally we will finish Junior & Senior Infants this year
  • Fun maths throughout the day
  • Develop non-verbal thinking (perceptual reasoning) skills through playing with pattern blocks, tangrams, jigsaws, maybe lego
  • Start working on maths facts (maybe)
  • Play maths games at maths club (I run a maths club for children & I’m hoping to include activities for her too)

General goal to learn more about the world using:

  • Magic School Bus
  • Peter Wetherall
  • David Attenborough


  • a general goal to learn French, Spanish, maybe Irish and maybe Latin (still have not decided, despite the wonderful advice in the Song School Latin thread!)
    using cds & a selection of dvds (BabyBit, WhistleFritz, YBCR)


  • Finish LM
  • Attend general music classes twice a week
  • Fun play with musical instruments 4 times a week
  • Music in the background

This is my big goal. I just watched the IAHP Physically Superb DVD and I’m feeling quite inspired.

  • Baby Ballet DVD 4 times a week
  • Gymnastics DVD?
  • Enrol in Ballet & gymnastics once she turns 3 (minimum starting age in local classes)
  • Maybe start a running programme
  • Swimming

Emotional Regulation:

  • Managing her emotions
  • Problem-solving skills


  • Lots of pretend play, acting out recent events, books etc.
  • Art - I’m considering following some kind of programme (yet to be identified :nowink: )

Reuben, 6 months:

  • Complete LR, LM & LMs
  • Read 2013 books aloud, ideally to include 1000 new books
  • Language programme inspired by Fowler
  • Sign Language
  • Introduce phonics/letters at some stage using Starfall & ReadingBear

Goals for myself:

  • Less clutter, more Montessori-type environment
  • Montessori bedrooms
  • Spend less time online
  • Bed early, up early
  • Learn French & Spanish (this is my goal every year :dry: )
  • Speedreading

I’d better do it now that I’ve written it down!

A great thread! I loved reading all of them.

This year, I have decided to focus more on soft skills like communication, character education, networking with others while in a social gathering (we’re basically introverts so its a huge effort from our perspective), performing in public etc.

Math: move on to multi-digit +,-,*, ÷, basic geometry, factors, measurement and other advanced topics; mastering basic math facts.

Reading: move onto chapter books with confidence; finish OPGTR and readingbear.

Writing: Write frequently in print and start cursive.

Music: Continue doing Softmozart 4xweek. Begin formal violin and piano lessons during the second half of the year as I am busy during 1st half.

Languages: Begin reading simple books in 3 foreign languages.

Indulge in structured physical activities like gymnastics, yoga, etc. Planning to do some structured science and art as well. Now, after writing all those up, I feel my goals are too simple :slight_smile:

Wolfwind “My personal EL goals include no more buying/downloading things; I’ve got programs coming out my ears and I need to just stick with what I have.”
Very well said. I have to bear this in mind. I always spend more time researching curriculum after curriculum even though I own the best in the market.

seastar, can you tell about the maths club. What activities do you do there and for what ages? Do you use any curriculum for it?

Of course you do! It is a mother’s prerogative to revise…and often :wink: lol

My goals…

My daughter is 2 years, 9 months.


  1. We are almost finished with LR, so finish that and hopefully start over in another language. I am hoping French will be finished, but if not, I would like to try Chinese.
  2. Read more books! She LOVES reading, and I don’t do it often enough. I would like to try the goal of 2013 books, but we don’t have many on hand and we live quite a distance from the library and even then, it is only open for 4 hours on 2 days. I should just use the free book sites and read more online, but she doesn’t enjoy that as much as a “real” book.
  3. Finish Reading Bear. I think we are over 1/3 of the way through it.


  1. Finish Rightstart A, MEP 1, and JG 1.
  2. Continue memorizing her math facts.
  3. Work on learning measurement/time


  1. Continue playing with pencil and paper often. She seems to have a natural desire to make her letters/numbers/objects look good. She just loves doodling and quite often it looks like what she wants it to.
  2. Maybe start a handwriting book after she turns 3, or sometime later this year, if I feel that she is up to it. Maybe in cursive?


  1. Introduce her to a broad range of topics and find a few that interest her and then find videos or books to learn more.
    Other than that, I am open to ideas from you all.


  1. Finish LMs and maybe start it over.
  2. I am really trying to save enough to get SM. But that would also include getting a keyboard, so probably not this year. She really loves anything to do with music, and I would like to see her start soon on some type of instrument.


  1. Increase stamina
    2: Swimming in the summer


  1. We are going to continue Rosetta Stone French.
  2. Manners is just an on-going topic for any parent to work on, I think. Although after having friends over recently with kids close to our daughter’s age, we were pleasantly surprised at how well behaved our child seems!! Maybe the other kids were just terrors lol , but our very opinionated child seemed mild compared to all of the others!
  3. Maybe start a spelling program after she turns 3.

In reading back over this, it seems that I am already doing most of these things consistently. So just continue on the same path we are on. My biggest joy recently has been her interest in Maths. She has actually started enjoying math and wants to do it!! :biggrin: So this year I want to really foster that desire and see how far she can go!

arvi - I too love reading these posts! The maths club is my latest baby, I really love it. Initially, I was thinking of using a curriculum. However, when I ran the pilot, the one day that got unfavourable reviews was the day that was more worksheet-focused. On top of that, I don’t want it to be like school. The overall goal, apart from developing maths skills, is to inspire the kids to have fun and be creative in their approach. I want them to LOVE maths! We play lots of maths games taken from the web, games inspired by Right Start Math games, ones that I make up and ones the kids make up. We use tangrams and we will probably start using other manipulatives also. Right now, the age range is 5+ but I may start a preschool class at some point.

I am very pleased as we have reached our first EL goal! :smiley:
My little girl is skiing ( getting safely down the hill with no fear) after 3 days of training. They do learn fast! :slight_smile:

So far we are doing great with second language, we started our home ballet classes once a week.

Our next goal is to work regularly on math , music= piano and EK .

izp11, LR UK version 3 is available. I am using it :slight_smile: I didnt get the announcement either…but if you look you will find. :smiley:
Very pleased not to be teaching all my kiddies the wrong spelling :wink:

Thought I would bump this thread and see how it is going for everyone.

An update on my almost three year old:

LR is going very well. We are doing our own playlists in addition to the daily lessons. She now is able to open and play the entire lesson without my help including finding the correct playlist if I tell her what day of the month it is.
We are doing much better than I thought on the reading. No where near what some of you are doing, but I am impressed! :biggrin: I think we are close to 100 books (including online) with very few repeats. We made it all the way through Heidi condensed version and she really enjoyed it. It took a couple of weeks. Now we are working on another chapter book called New Kid in Town by Janette Oke. There aren’t many pictures, but she still sits, listens, and follows along with a couple of chapters a day.
We are up to 50% mastered in Reading Bear. She does one lesson (choose for me) and one quiz per day. We end up going through each lesson 5 times before she gets her gold star, but I don’t think the repetition hurts her. On the quizzes, she hasn’t gotten less than a 15 for over a month! She also handles the mouse on her own for this!

We are still plugging along on JumpMath1, Rightstart A, and MEP1. We do at least one of these nearly every day and she still seems to enjoy it.
Math facts are only “mastered” if she uses manipulatives. Oh, well we have a long time before I worry about it. Still having fun so that is all that matters.
She is really amazing me with her telling time abilities. Other measurements we aren’t focusing on them right now.

Not sure that she will still be ready for a handwriting book here in a couple of weeks when she turns 3. Maybe later.

She really is interested in space and the universe right now. Any free resourse ideas would be appreciated. :wink:

We are up to lesson 217 in LMs. She pretty consistently recognizes all of the chords by sight and sound. (Better than I do…“you’re wrong, Momma! It should be Re SO Te!” :tongue: :laugh:

Physical stamina definitely needs to increase!! Hard to do here in the winter. We don’t have access to gyms or any classes like gymnasicts, dancing, martial arts, etc. Any ideas would be appreciated!!
We were able to go swimming in a motel pool the other day. Obviously she forgot a lot since the last time. She still loves the water so I’m hoping she picks it up again easily.

We haven’t been very faithful with Rosetta Stone French lately. Better get back at that!!
Manners… well… She does very well with other people, not so great with Momma lately. Did the terrible twos hit late? Daddy is helping with that one, so it shouldn’t be a problem for long!
I think she is ready for a spelling program. I am looking at All About Spelling right now.

I am looking forward to hearing how others are doing. You all keep me encouraged!! Thanks!!!

Hey I read through my goals and am pleased to say we are doing pretty well!
We are well behind on the history though. We have been realist ending to SOTW 1 rather than starting 2. Need to sync the iPod and it turns out its a trickier task than I anticipated. It won’t keep my playlists! Grrrrr
Our maths is ahead of schedule with my middle girl who is doing Saxon now and learning the times tables at the same time. My oldest is maybe just a bit behind in math but I still think her goals are achievable.
My son is flying along. Working solidly on math facts now. He seems to find everything else I offer him easy. He will need some big number practice.
The daily drawing has slipped. Not sure how to fit that in.
We included writing and started ALL the kids on reading classics. Which is having a wonderful effect on their imaginations and vocabulary.
Finally my kindergarten class are well and truly on the road to reading. The biggest challenge I have found with this is finding time to read with all of them individually every day. We don’t have enough resources to do reading groups yet. I also have some still working on phonemic awareness and others reading sight word books. So it’s challenging to provide for them all but certainly not impossible. We are learning all the letters names and sounds ( names to keep the parents happy) and probably half the class can blend CVC words with the letters that they know. We use LR most days and it is a great addition to our day. We talk a lot about beginning sounds while doing LR for phonemic awareness. I also use the word split with the sound off so the children have to put the word back together for me. Good blending practice. :slight_smile:
Over all the goals are still achieve able and we are making good progress.

We are pretty much focusing on the “5 R’s”

Reading - HOP Master Reader, cycling twice and a few other random reading programs, chapter book buddy read alouds, independent silent reading, etc
'Riting - Handwriting sheets for Lily, Coloring, fine motor, and beginning writing for Owen
'Rithmatic - Soroban Apps & Nurture Minds Apps, Singapore Math, & finishing memorizing skip counting
Rhythm (aka music) - Yamaha piano lesson and daily practice for Lily, Soft Mozart for Owen
Right Brain - High speed flashcards, speed reading, memory training, intuition, etc

Foreign language is still missing in that, although we read some books in Spanish and watch some FL dvd’s informally. I bought a latin program but haven’t even attempted it yet. I am just making some other subjects priority at the moment. They are also getting a smattering of general knowledge like geography and other reinforcement with apps and EK websites.

Hard to believe a quarter of the year is gone!

We’re still focusing on reading and math. Big Girl A is almost 2 1/2 and can spell the first 400 or so words on the Ayres list and read phonograms in the correct order on the page, but still doesn’t blend. We’re so close, though! We’ve taken some time off for sickness, or I think we’d be there. But it’s still fun. Baby S, at 9 months, is ready to start adjectives and couplets in reading; I haven’t tested so I don’t know what she retained, but we’ve been decently consistent.

In math, Big Girl A can do any addition and subtraction up to five with manipulatives independently, and up to ten with me talking her through it, so we’re solidifying that. Once she can add and subtract up to twenty, we’ll move on to Part 3 of Marshmallow Math, done with our homemade Right Start-esque abacus, tally sticks, or random manipulators. Baby S LOVES math quantity dots more than anything, and we’ve done addition, subtraction, and subitizing up to 70; we’re working on multiplication this week and hoping to hit 100 soon.

In my other goals, I’ve given up on Montessori for the summer and switched to Charlotte Mason: spend 4-6 hours a day outside. That’s a challenge! But fun. I have been absolutely DISMAL at speaking French and need to improve. Grr. But physical excellence is going pretty well; Baby S loves balance exercises and hangs independently for at least 20 seconds several times a day; she’s almost ready for brachiation. Big Girl A gets to choose how long to hang and rarely goes as high as 20, though she can. She’s working on jumping on a mini-trampoline, jumping rope, and riding a balance bike this summer. I hope our outdoor time will correlate to gains in physical excellence.

As far as not buying anything… I did OK. I bought Soft Mozart, but I’ve been wanting that for years, so I think it’s OK. And I bought myself a book on Vygotsky, and “Talking from Infancy” because PokerDad recommended it so highly. I’ve wanted both of those for months, and they weren’t too expensive. So I think I’ve done fairly well. I do have one more book I’m yearning for, though: “The Self-Propelled Advantage.” An average of one book a month should be OK, right?

EDITED to add: I forgot about music! We’re on day 50 of Little Musician, and Big Girl A can finally recognize notes on the screen! She can’t do hear and sing correctly yet, but it took her this long just to memorize the notes by sight, so I’m sure that will come. She doesn’t sing on pitch yet, but it’s closer than it was when we started. So is mine! We just bought Soft Mozart, and I am looking forward to adding that.