EEECF looking for volunteers to bring LR scholarships to special needs children

Thank you all for kind words and testimonials of how Little Reader is helping your children with special needs!

If you’ve experienced how much help BrillKids programs were in development and learning of your child, wouldn’t you want to share that with others?

We are looking for volunteers to:

  1. Share testimonials, listing specific areas of improvement and accomplishment after your child started his or her Little Reader Journey (photos and videos are welcomed! :yes: )

2) Identify special needs organizations, NGOs or caregivers, who will benefit from Little Reader Grants and refer them to Early Education for Every Child Foundation. (An example can be a non-profit adoption agency for children with special needs coming from overseas, they can apply for grant, so every adopted child would receive their own copy of Little Reader to help them not just with reading, but with learning words and concepts in English as they are joining their new families; or a therapist or teacher working with children with special needs who would like to use Little Reader with precious children in his care; there are limitless possibilities really!)

  1. Be our Ambassador and share the news about early learning programs and EEECF wherever you go!

You can PM Skylark or EEECF with questions and suggestions.