Educational Toys (with gears, loops etc)

There is a toy that i used to see at pediatricians waiting room and do not know how to name them in order to look for it in Amazon or elsewhere.
While viewing Tatianna’s video for the constest you can see on the back this game that is like a box and has different activities on each side. On one there is like a gear activity ando on other you can play with loops.
Do anyone has this for their kids, do they play with it? I am afraind it is something I like but children will not play with it.

My grandson enjoys turning the wheels of a playground that has some gears and when moving one all the others got moved.

Can you tell me if your kid likes that and where can i found something similar?

My daughter plays with something like that at the library when she goes, but I don’t know if she would get bored of it at home,.

Try searching for “activity cube”

Hi, I think I know exactly the toy you mean, and you can find it on at (great store by the way) with good reviews and another version at

I am planning to get one once my baby reaches 1 year old or so.

Yes those are the ones, thanks LilyAndOwnesMom and Rivka. I like the BIG one but it would take to much space. Maybe it will serve for a playground. The small one is mor suitable for a house.
I will keep looking for other toys that show some GEARS. with my last kid (now 26 yrs) I had a mechanical toy name CAPSELA that was excellent for kids (7-10 yrs old) but i can not find them in the market now. If anyone know where they are or if they change the brand , let me know please.
Thanks to both of you